There are gradations of denial of Jesus    
Here are some gradations of denial of Jesus:
  1. Some people deny that Jesus ever existed.   
  2. Some people deny that He was virgin born.   
  3. Some people deny that He did miracles.   
  4. Some people deny that He died on the cross.   
  5. Some people deny that He rose from the dead.   
  6. Some people deny that He is the Son Of God.   
  7. Some people deny that He is the only way to be saved.   
  8. Some people deny that He is God.   
  9. Some people deny that He is the only God.   
But whoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father who is in heaven.
Jesus is saying that to willfully and verbally deny Him before men is the Unpardonable Sin.     Why is believing on Jesus and confessing Him before men so important?     
Because Jesus is 'God'.     No one can be accepted by 'God' who has rejected Him.     

He states that a person's words against Him requires Him to speak against them to the Father.     
What does that mean?     
It means that His Holy Spirit will not dispense Grace to the denier and leave them to inevitable destruction.     

If Jesus is not a person's advocate before His Holy Spirit they are condemned to the Lake Of Fire .     

Faithfulness is a characteristic of the Lord.     If faithfulness is not a part of a person's character they will deny Him eventually.     A person's denial of Him will require His denial of them.

So, Denying Jesus is a big deal.   

What level of denial of Jesus causes one to be denied by Jesus?   

There was an incident just before the crucifixion where Jesus was offended by one of His disciples.   That disciple was Philip.   Philip did not cast a slur at Jesus.   He simply asked Jesus to do something.   

What did Philip ask Jesus to do?   
Philip asked Jesus to show the Father to him and the other disciples.   
Jesus says unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet have you not known me, Philip?     he that has seen me has seen the Father; and how say you then, Show us the Father?
Jesus states categorically who He is - the express image of the Father.     

You can hear the hurt and amazement in Jesus' voice as He responds.     

Jesus tells Philip that He is the Father.     He then rebukes Philip for even doubting that He is the Father.

Believe you not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?     the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwells in me, he does the works.
How can Jesus be in the Father and the Father be in Him?     
Understand who the Father is.     He is a Spirit.     He is the Holy Spirit.     The Holy Spirit fills the universe and beyond.     But He birthed the body of Jesus and annointed Him to be Messiah - He filled the body of Jesus.     

Jesus spoke what the Holy Spirit inspired Him to speak.     Jesus reached out to heal and deliver those whom the Holy Spirit empowered Him to bless.     

Just as the disciples and others of Jesus' day could not look past the physical form of Jesus and see the Father, likewise today, people cannot see past our physical form to see the Father in us.     

What is even worse is that many of us cannot look past our own physical form to realize Christ in us the expectation of the Father's glory being manifested in and through us.     

Greater works shall we do because the Father has made His abode in us.     We are filled with the Holy Spirit.     

Father is a role.     It is not the name of a being.     The name of the Father is Christ Jesus.     (For that matter, the name of the Holy Spirit is Christ Jesus).     But Jesus was clarifying how He, as a man, was able to do what He did and say what He said.     

The Holy Spirit is the Father of Jesus.     He is the one who impregnated Mary.     He is the One who inspires and implements the Word.     

So, Jesus being the Word speaks and interacts with those in the Physical Realm, while the Holy Spirit from the Spirit Realm ( Heaven) inspires Jesus to speak and then performs the works that Jesus does.     

The Holy Spirit and the Word are One.     You cannot separate them.     If you try to you will either have the Word or the Power and neither will be effective.     The Word speaks the purpose, while the Power achieves the purpose.     The Holy Spirit and Word are inseparable.

In this statement Jesus removes any doubt or misunderstanding that the disciples had about who He is.   
Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
This is an amazing verse!     Let's enumerate the points it makes:
    Jesus is the epitome of God's glory
    Jesus is how God looks
    Jesus holds everything together by the Word of His power
    Jesus has purged all sin by himself
    Jesus is seated at the right hand of Majesty
This profound statement speaks to the fact that matter exists and is ordered by the command of the eternal Word by the eternal Spirit.     

It explains why science is unable to fathom the essence of matter.     They have reached the point where the energy to inspect the smaller particles moves them (Heisenberg uncertainty principle).     
If they were able to keep delving they would find nothing material, only Jesus' spoken Word!     

The Holy Spirit is The Majesty.     Jesus is His physical form.     The Majesty is not defined by dimensions.     He is infinite.     Jesus' body is finite but He is the focal point of The Majesty.     We cannot 'see' His Holy Spirit in the same way we 'see' Jesus.     -

Jesus referred to Himself as the Son Of Man rather than the Son Of God.   Why?   
Because He is God.   His Spirit is the Holy Spirit.   He is God with us - Immanuel.   
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Lord Almighty, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
This conflicting description of a single being could not have come from a rational mind.     It came from the Holy Spirit who would fulfil these words in Christ Jesus.     

Jesus was born of woman and His Holy Spirit and so He is the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father.     This means that the Father begat Himself!     

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus.     Jesus is the body of the Holy Spirit.     We are made in the image of our Creator.     We are Spirit Soul And Body and so also is our Creator.     His name is Jesus.

Jesus was begotten by His Holy Spirit and born as a human through Mary.   He is God born of man.   

But He is not positionally a son.   He is in fact the image of the Father as He explained to Philip.   

Some would say He is distinct from His Holy Spirit but in doing so they deny the following verse:
I and my Father are one.
Yes!     The whole Truth comes out.     

Jesus is the Lord (deity).     

God (deity) is Jesus.     

God (deity) is Spirit, hence He is the Holy Spirit.     The Holy Spirit made Himself a physical body and we call Him Jesus .     
It is through the body and soul of Jesus that the Holy Spirit expresses Himself in the Physical Realm.     

There are not three.     There is One and His name is Jesus the express image of the Holy Spirit .     
    Do you know the name of the Father?     
    Do you know the name of the Holy Spirit?     
    Do you know the name of the Son?     

There is One name of the One Creator and His name is Jesus.     
    It is in that name that we are saved.     
    It is in that name that we are healed.     
    It is in that name that all who reject Him will be judged.     

Just as you are Spirit Soul And Body, so is our Lord in whose image we were created and by whose sacrifice we are redeemed.     

So, what must we believe about Jesus in order to avoid the unforgivable sin of Denying Jesus?   
Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and will come unto him, and abide in him.
Having a Love Of The Truth (with Christ being the sum of all Truth) is necessary for us to be obedient and therefore experience the manifestation of the Father's love in and through us.

He that loves me not keeps not my sayings: and the word which you hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
Jesus is very pointed about love.     It demands obedience.     This is not the obedience of legalism.     It is the obedience of faith in the Truth which is effected in us supernaturally.     

Being In Christ causes us to understand that Jesus is the image of the Holy Spirit who is the Father.

We must believe and receive the Words of Christ Jesus.   We must believe what He said about Himself.   

Jesus claimed to be God.   He deferred to no other being.   He talked about His Father but His Father and He are one being.   His Holy Spirit is His Father and His Holy Spirit is the essence of who Jesus is.   
Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Christ Jesus is our redeemer, our Saviour, our healer, our rest, our victory, our resurrection, our life and our future.     
    We come to Jesus by believing His Words.     
    We receive His rest when we receive His Holy Spirit.

Jesus tells us to come to Him.   He does not tell us to come to God.   
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.
Jesus was talking to Jews who rejected Him as very the Lord.     This is why He would reject them in the judgment despite their works.

Who determines whether we enter into heaven?   Jesus does, not God.   
And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Who gave Jesus this power and authority?     
His Holy Spirit who had birthed Him, annointed Him and raised Him from the dead is the source of all things and Jesus is His express image.     

If all power in heaven and earth belongs to Christ Jesus there is no power or authority left for any other being in the universe.     
This means that He and He alone is
    Mighty God
    Everlasting Father

This verse speaks to the singleness of God as manifested in Christ Jesus.     In the next verse Jesus tells us to teach and baptize people in His name as He is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Since Jesus has all power in heaven and earth, there is no other being with power.   

Understand that God is Spirit Soul And Body just as we are who were created in His image.   Jesus is the Spirit Soul And Body of God.   

There is no other God.   

Jesus is Lord.   

Receive Jesus as God and nothing less.   In so doing you honor Him in Truth.   Anything less is Denying Jesus at some level.