[ Created: 2017-10-18 04:46:53  Updated: 2021-09-13 11:06:17 Owner: rl ]
Title: An act of selecting or making a decision     

The right to choose (FreeWill) is God given.   He has provided the Truth to us so that we can make good choices.   

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?    - Jer 17:9

This verse tells us that the SinNature causes our own Heart to be untrustworthy.   Even those who have been BornAgain must have their Minds Transformed in order to have a Pure Heart - one that Hears and follows the leading of the HolySpirit.   

There is no way to do research in the world today to find the Truth.   For every argument on one side, there is an equal argument on the other side.   

The Truth that God has provided to us is Christ Jesus and His Word.   All else is foolish speculation which may or may not have any validity.   

A Christian must be like God who Hates Sin but Loves the sinner.   (A sinner is a person who chooses to ignore the Truth).   I cannot speak for others but I Hate lying and deception and I Hate to see people deceived.   

To criticise a person's stance is not to Hate the person.   Now that is not to say that the person who is criticised does not react in Hate and see the criticism as evidence of Hate.   

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?    - Gal 4:16

Parents have failed to teach their children to submit to Authority, so they see the exercise of Authority as evidence of Hate.   

For this reason people Hate God who Loves them!   How self-defeating is that?   

Those who do not have Faith in the Truth will be filled with the Fear of Unbelief.   Faith produces one set of actions while Unbelief produces the opposite.   

Faith and Unbelief cannot coexist.   Light and Darkness cannot coexist.   Truth snd Error cannot fellowship together.   

Can two walk together, except they be agreed?    - Amo 3:3

The answer to this question is a resounding NO!   

Those who would Deceive you about unity have rejected the Truth and so they will Hate the Truth in you.   

As witnessed recently in our Commander-in-cheat, those who are not of the Truth will eventually lose patience with you and try to force you to choose their Choice.