    [ Created: 2017-09-26 23:42:21  Updated: 2017-09-27 12:19:37   Owner: rl ]
Title: The NewAge is the recycled OldAge

Solomon said "there is nothing new under the Sun".

Nothing of the Wisdom and experience of one generation is passed genetically to the next.

This is why the study of History is so important. It is why one generation must share its Wisdom and experience with the next.

Most importantly, it is why we need to select Educators wisely - particularly in the LiberalArts arena.

We have allowed Fools to Educate out children. As a result, many of our children have become Fools themselves. (Please follow the link on Fools to understand that I am not just being harsh).

In their Foolishness , these Educators and their students have arrogantly seen themselves as inmovators. They comsider older generations as narrow minded, prudish, unsophisticated, ignorant.

The NewAge , they claim, is better because people are more open-minded, more caring, better informed, wiser.

But what really characterizes the NewAge ?

  1. Focus on food and drink
  2. Focus on Entertainment
  3. Focus on self
  4. Polytheism
  5. Unhappy
  6. Fearful
  7. Weak
  8. Immoral

The ancient Greeks had their Epicureans who focused on aelf-gratification. They also had many gods to whom they attributed power.

The Romans had their gods but became weak and immoral finally falling to the barbarians.

The Hebrews became like neighboring countries and fell into unhappiness and fear before being conquered and made slaves.

Other civilizations manifested similar characteristicals before falling.

Change is not always good. Many times it results in a full circle where the mistakes of the past are repeated. Thia is where the NewAge is today. The amenities are more sophisticated but the hearts of men are the same.