Are You worshipping False gods?
Worship means to Value highly.
How much do You spend on Entertainment ?
What Kind of Entertainment do You pay for?
Who are the celebrities You Follow ( Worship )?
Is the Entertainment wholesome?
Are the celebrities You Follow Christians ?
Do You pay more for cable subscriptions, Movies , and concerts than You Give for the furtherance of the Gospel ?
Do You Invest more of your Time in Entertainment than You do in Service to Christ ?
You may in Fact be a Pagan without realizing it!
Wake up! Stop pretending your Entertainment is Good ! Stop making allowances for and defending your heroes!
God wants You to experience Abundant Life through Jesus Christ. But if your attention and resources are spent on Corrupt Entertainment and celebrities You Will experience Death.
How so?
You Will miss out on the Joy of Relationship with Christ. You Will be deprived of His Power to Transform your Life and circumstances. You Will be enslaved to rise and fall with the vagaries of that which You spend Time following without realizing You are in a Death spiral. In effect, You Will be Deceived.
Today, we are faced with `real` Evil. That Evil is one which morphed out of Good. That is exactly what Satan did - he morphed out of Lucifer who was originally Good. The Good of which I Speak is Freedom and Prosperity. The Evil that I am Speaking of is the False construct of Ideas ( Ideology ) of self-worship and Socialism.
Self-worship drives a person to Covet. Socialism provides the mechanism by which coveting can be effected with the resulting self-gratification. Illogical, Immoral , justification is the requirement for accepting these ideologies.
For we Wrestle Not against Flesh and Blood , but against Principalities , against powers, against the Rulers of the Darkness of this world, against Spiritual Wickedness in high places.
4 ( for the Weapons of our Warfare are Not Carnal , but Mighty through God to the pulling down of Strong holds; )
5 casting down Imaginations , and every high thing that exalteth itself against the Knowledge of God , and bringing into captivity every thought to the Obedience of Christ ;
The above Scriptures Teach us that we are in a War whether we like it or Not. The War is one of ideas. We are soldiers on one side or the other. There are no options for a soldier other than to Fight or surrender.
Which side are You fighting for?
Have You been captured?
Have You surrendered?
Are You Free , or in Bondage to Follow the celebrities and Entertainment of the enemy?
Keep thy Heart with All Diligence ; for out of it are the Issues of life.
Our Heart motivates us for Good or Evil based on what we Value ( Worship ).
I call Heaven and Earth to record this day against You , that I have set before You Life and Death , Blessing and Cursing : therefore Choose Life , that both thou and thy Seed may Live :
God is the life-giver. To Choose Life is to Choose God. To Choose God is to Receive Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior.
He Will occupy Only one Place in your Life and that is the Throne.