| Empotions are part of your soul along with mind and will.
Together with the flesh, they constitute a formidable team, controlling much of human behavior.
When we think of the word, childesh, we are probably thinking about an emotional, needy individual.
Parents spend a lot time helping their child grow out of responding completely on emotions and physical needs.
Their efforts help their children to come to manage their emotions and physical cravings. But, as we all know, this management is a lifelong struggle.
The fact is that many believers never move out of the management mode regarding their emotions and physical drives.
There are so many forces in the world which excite the emotions and physical drives that the struggle often gets harder rather than easier.
In order to eliminate the struggle we must have our minds renewed so that we have the Mind Of Christ. This is possible as we grasp and embrace the fact that in the New Birth we are New Spirit beings with our life consisting of spirit. We are no longer emotional, physical wrecks trying to get along in the world. Rather, we are now Sons Of The Holy Spirit who are by definition Spirit Beings having a soul while navigating the world in a body.
This means that we see ourselves as the Lord has recreated us rather than as what we were born in the flesh as. Unless and until we embrace this fact, we will struggle in the flesh.
Be aware that the world (unbelievers) are totally driven by their emotions and the lust of their flesh. This orientation is destructive to each person and to the society that they affect. Their influence appeals to emotions and lust rather than the spirit.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that you cannot do the things that you would. - |