    [ Created: 2017-09-11 12:25:22  Updated: 2019-03-16 13:21:28   Owner: rl ]
Title: Bound by the MedicalCare system

Are You in Bondage to MedicalCare ?

To answer this question Ask yourself the following questions.

  1. Do You take prescription medications?
  2. Do You visit the doctor once a month or more?
  3. Do You adjust your Life based on Medical Issues ( appointments, prescriptions, etc. )?
  4. Do You spend more than 5 minutes a day Thinking about your Health ?
  5. Do You spend more than 5 minutes a day talking about your health?
  6. Do You not perform activities that You enjoy for Fear of Health issues?
  7. Do You answer the question "How are you?" with more than one sentence?

if You answered three or more of the above questions in the affirmative You are in MedicalBondage .

Christ came to set the captive Free. This includes MedicalBondage since it is contrary to His Principle of AbundantLife .

The Fact that our Society has accepted MedicalBondage as a 'natural' State does not nullify the Promises of Christ .

Romans 6:16
Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves Servants to Obey , his Servants ye are to whom ye Obey ; whether of Sin unto Death , or of Obedience unto Righteousness ?

Remember, Sin is that which injures. Wrong Thinking , Fear and Unbelief are Sins. Sin produces Death .

Life is a Choice. Faith is an Act of Will. You can Choose Life because of what Christ Jesus has bought for You. You can Choose to Believe His Promises

Stop following the herd into the MedicalBondage System that produces Death even while it purports to offer Life .

John 10:10
The Thief cometh not, but for to Steal , and to Kill , and to Destroy : I am come that they Might have Life , and that they Might have it more Abundantly.

Choose Life ! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and You Will be Saved - Spiritually , Emotionally and Physically !