To use or not use drugs is an individual right. There are all kinds of ' Sins ' that we make choices over.
The issue with drugs (production, sales and use) is that they have been made illegal. That legislation is morality based. Morality based legislation is virtually always wrong, leading to things that are even worse than the problem it attempts to solve.
What is worse than the destruction of a human life?
The creation of an industry that preys on and victimizes users for profit. That industry keeps the price of drugs so high that users are forced to crime to support their habit. The government spends tons of money fighting a drug war they will never win. Prisons are filled with users, sellers and producers who are supported by taxpayers.
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live: -
Deu 30:19 God does not force anyone to choose life. He allows people to choose death though it is not His will.
We need to stop fighting the symptoms of society's problem and attack the disease.
The thief comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. -
Joh 10:10 May all Christians begin to do their duty to preach and testify of the power of a transformed life through Jesus Christ.
He is not optional equipment. He is our Life.
20171017 - opioid abuse:
If a person is in pain, do you let them suffer because they might get addicted to the pain-killer?
To do so is to indirectly torture that person.
If a person continues using a pain killer after the cause of the pain has disappeared, they are addicted. Addiction is Spiritual Bondage. Yes, there is a physical, psychological component. But their real problem is that they give in to the Lust of the Mind and Body.
Christ came to set the captive free. This is what an addict needs.
As long as a person wants to be a user, they will be. If we deny them easy access to their drug, they will find illegal sources. They will pay whatever it costs to get it. They will steal and kill to get the money needed for their drug.
It is a total waste of public resources to try stop people from getting what they need (pain-killers) or what they want (recreational drugs).
Government has no business in personal matters.