[ Created: 2017-09-06 22:25:15  Updated: 2017-09-07 02:34:08 Owner: rl ]
Title: Nature responds to Spiritual Law    



God has given man Dominion over the earth.   

However, the ramifications for inviting God to be involved in our lives or not are laid out in Spiritual Law.   

I call Heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you Life and Death , Blessing and Cursing : therefore choose Life , that both thou and thy seed may Live :
When we choose Life ( God is the source of Life ) we experience Blessing.   When we choose Death (reject God ) we are automatically cursed.   God does not have to lift a finger either way.   He has instituted the above as Spiritual Law.   

To see what state the earth was in before the Spirit of God was involved look at this Scripture :

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.   And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.   
When the Spirit of God moved Light and Life , Order and Beauty resulted.   

God is not Angry with man.   Remember what the angels announced:

Peace on earth good will toward men.   

Jesus established Peace from God toward men by paying for all Sin for all time.   

What we see in nature is the result of man (who rules the earth) choosing Death.   Nature is under man's Dominion and so it behaves according to our wishes.   Chaos and Darkness Manifest in the absence of God's Spirit.   

Again, God is not Angry but His Law will play out.   

The Climate change people have it half-right.   The Climate is changing as a result of man's actions.   However, it isn't fossil fuels, automobiles and factories that are changing the Climate , it is man's behavior toward God ( Life ) that is causing the change.   

Reject God implies choose Death.   

Receive Christ implies choose Life.   

It's up to us - not God.