A Child is a precious Beautiful Gift from God.
Becoming a parent is transforming.
The Responsibility is staggering.
A Child can become the center of a parent's life.
But who does the Child belong to?
The answer to this question depends on your World View.
An animalistic World View ( one which is oblivious to past and future only responding to what Is ) results in parents seeing the Child as their property.
A Secular Humanist World View would See the Child as the property of Society.
But a Christian World View would See the Child as the property of God.
What difference does it make which World View the parent has?
All the difference!
If, as the animalistic World View implies, the Child belongs to the parent then there are no limits on the abuse that could be inflicted on the Child. Slavery and sexual abuse are within the scope of property ownership.
What then is the parent's goal?
If, as the Secular Humanist World View implies, the Child belongs to Society or the "state", then there is the Responsibility of the parent to act Only as an agent of the State. All aspects of the child's development ( or Not ) would be managed by the State using parent resources.
What then is the state's goal?
In the Christian World View the Child belongs to God and the parent would be operating as an agent of God.
What then is God's goal?
Let's answer the "goal" question for each World View.
For the animalistic parent the goal could be as multifold as the number of children. There is no norm for how different people manage and use their own property.
For the Secularhumanist parent the goal is to be a functioning member of and to support the State - the State being a small group of Humans that manage the bulk of humanity.
For the Christian parent the goal is to act as an agent of God to accomplish His goal. God's goal is that each Human Child become His Eternal Spiritual child.
An animalistic parent would likely do what was necessary and sufficient to Enable the Child to repeat the cycle of Life. That is what Animals do.
A Secularhumanist parent would likely fall in line behind the current thinking of the State regarding Child rearing including Education and Health. Since the State is run by Humans the parent and Child would be vulnerable to the inherent flaws in Human hearts, thinking and intents.
A Christian parent would have a consistent set of rules for rearing the Child with a guaranteed outcome ( within the constraint of the child's Will ). That guaranteed outcome is Abundant , Eternal Life.
For an animalistic parent there are no Moral implications for their treatment of their Child.
For a Secularhumanist parent there are Only State defined ethical guidelines to be followed with no Moral Responsibility.
For a Christian parent everything about the rearing of the Child has Moral implications for themselves and the Child. There is Responsibility , accountability and Eternity.
Are these Worldviews equally valid?
No! There is a God and He ain't Me. There is a God and He ain't mankind ( Society ). There is a God who Created all things for His Purpose and Pleasure.
His Purpose is to bear children. His Pleasure is for His children to Inherit All that He is and has.
A Child is a Gift from God , entrusted to parents to raise them in the nurture and admonition of God so they Will make the Personal decision to be Born of God's Spirit and become His Child.