What do you think of Jesus?
The answer to that question gives meaning to receiving Jesus.
Many have received Jesus as the Son Of God only.
What do I mean by 'only'?
I mean that they visualize another physical being ( God) who fathered Jesus. They see this other physical being (whom they don't really know) as being the 'real God' or the 'main God'.
Such 'believers' therefore see Jesus as just a servant to the greater physical being called God. Accordingly, they give honor to Jesus as a servant but give their praise to His Father - God.
Now, this perception is totally consistent with trinitarianism.
However, if a person receives Jesus as 'junior God' or 'lesser God', the question is: "How does a person receive God?"
In other words, is there still a person with whom you need to make arrangements?
Is there some other authority which could intervene in your salvation?
There are millions of Christians who doubt their standing with 'God' who profess to have believed and received Christ Jesus as their Saviour.
This is utter foolishness. It is effectively blaspheming Jesus - denying Him as Mighty God and Everlasting Father.
Why is the church so weak today? Why is it ineffective in reaching the masses? Could it be in their denying the Lord Jesus Christ as 'God'.
Think about it. Jews think Christians are polytheistic. Muslims think Christians are polytheistic. Both the Jews and the Muslims know better.
You say that is Old Testament and Jesus had not yet come.
Jesus says unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet have you not known me, Philip? he that has seen me has seen the Father; and how say you then, Show us the Father? |
I and my Father are one. |
Uh-oh! Jesus clearly identifies Himself as the Father.
Alright, so Jesus and the Father are one.
But what about the Holy Spirit part of the trinity>
But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, you son of David, fear not to take unto you Mary your wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. |
These verses tell us that the Father of Jesus is the Holy Spirit.
This means that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one.
So, just as preincarnate Jesus revealed to Moses and Israel in Deuteronomy, 'God' is one.
Jesus is the Body and Soul of His Holy Spirit. Jesus is Spirit Soul And Body just as we are who are created in His image.
Receive Jesus as the only true and living God.
How do you do that?
→ by receiving the Words of Jesus
→ by receiving His HolySpirit
→ by denying the existence of any alternative deity
That last one is a hang-up for trinitarians. Don't be a trinitarian polytheist any longer.
Receive Jesus as the totality of 'God'.
→ He is the Way, the Truth and the Life
→ He has all power in heaven and earth
→ His name is the only name for salvation
→ He is the righteous judge
→ He is the resurrection
→ He is the express image of 'God'
As you do so, you will enter into a place of intimacy and power with Him by virtue of His Holy Spirit bearing witness to you that you are in the Truth.
And whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  'Whatsoever' has no bounds, no limits. Can you, will you believe what Jesus says here? Jesus wants us to ask for whatever we desire using His name. Why in His name? → It is only polite to speak to God using His name. → It demonstrates our faith in Jesus as God, our provider. When we ask in the name of Jesus, He will fulfill our desire glorifying His Heavenly Father. How does answered prayer glorify our Heavenly Father? → Jesus is the express image of His Holy Spirit Father. → It is by the power of His Holy Spirit Father that this promise is kept. Think about how asking and not receiving actually denigrates our Heavenly Father. It makes Him appear unconcerned, unloving. Jesus was the original faith preacher. So, when He makes a statement like this, He assumes you have taken to heart His command: Have Holy Spirit faith! Faith is not something we conjure up. It comes by hearing believing and receiving the Word Of The Lord. When we hear, believe and receive the Word, the Holy Spirit in us can manifest His fruit of supernatural faith, which can accomplish anything . Get into the Word until you have faith in it. Then when you speak the Word it will accomplish our Lord's purpose by His Holy Spirit . |
When you pray, talk to the Holy Spirit ( Father) of Christ Jesus using His name: Jesus. That is what it means to pray or speak in the Name Of Jesus.
I am sure that you now understand who Jesus is.
The question is: " Will you fully Receive Jesus or cling to polytheism?'
But whoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father who is in heaven.  |
And every one that hears these sayings of mine, and does them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: |