[ Created: 2023-10-23 06:56:05  Updated: 2023-10-24 09:00:40 Owner: rl ]
Title: Using technology to injure people    



There is a lot of talk and concern about the future of artificial intelligence, AI.   
This concern is justified based on the trajectory that technology, particularly in the telecommunications arena, has taken over the past ten years.   

A novice liar is nervous when he tells his first lie.   But after he has experienced many successes with his lies he gets better at it, such that the nervousness dissipates until he becomes a pathological or sociopathic liar.   His conscience is seared.   

We have seen the morphing of the news media from an information gathering and dissemination entity into a propagandizing entity.   The former provided a very valuable service to people.   The latter is damaging and binding to people.   

Early on, the internet was also an information provider enabling people to do research or find product.   But now it is highly oriented toward propagandizing and manipulation.   

Search engines are now biased to promote certain vendors and certain agendas.   Web pages and apps often pretend to offer answers to questions or provide functionality while actually only teasing or fishing their users into endless subscriptions.   

Furthermore, virtually no query to the internet will answer the specific question that is raised.   One must wade through the misdirection of marketing and agenda goals to eventually come to the answer.   

Popups that obscure the text which answers one's question are pervasive.   A recent ploy is to use sensational headlines to attract users to sites only to find that one must subscribe to get at the whole content many times of which is just drivel.   

All of the above is immoral.   Why?   Because it negatively affects the people for which it was designed to serve.   In many respects it is the modern version of the snake oil salesman who didn't even provide a safe alcohol base to his ineffective product.   

What is the solution to this unhealthy state of affairs?   Repentance and turning to Christ Jesus.   The Golden Rule is still the best basis for civilization to thrive.