[ Created: 2023-10-21 13:47:41  Updated: 2024-02-05 09:12:30 Owner: rl ]
Title: A liberal, federalist, socialist, fascist, totalitarian, globalist political party    



    Protecting Americans and recovering from the covid-19 pandemic
    Building a stronger, fairer economy
    Achieving universal, affordable, quality health care
    Protecting communities and building trust by reforming our criminal justice system
    Healing the soul of america
    Combating the climate crisis and pursuing environmental justice
    Restoring and strengthening our democracy
    Creating a 21st century immigration system
    Providing a world-class education in every zip code
    Renewing American leadership

Conspicuously absent are the following planks:
    legitimization of sexual immorality
    murder on demand
    politicized federal agencies
    politicized judicial system
    subordination of state and individual rights to the federal government
    no borders
    absorption of all businesses under the federal government

The democratic party has as its fundamental requirement that one be a liar.   They prefer liars that are delusional, denying that they are liars.   

It is a total worthless exercise to communicate with a liar.   

Their father is Satan and as such they are incapable of receiving or even acknowledging the Truth.   

Judgment is awaiting them.   

Our Lord will destroy such with the Word of His mouth as soon as we are taken up into the air at His appearing.   

In the meantime, we are to call them what they are just like our Lord did with those who resisted Him and His kingdom during His earthly ministry.   

Our offensive weapon is the Word which is a sword.   Using the sword we will cut a believing person loose from the bondage of deception and we will neuter the unbeliever of any power they have exercised against the kingdom.   

The war is on.