The aversion to anything `ghostly` or `mysitical` caused religious thinkers to go so far as to separate the concept of Father from the Holy Spirit, elevating the Father to the first person of the godhead and demoting the Holy Spirit to the third person.
Many denominations even moved to exclude the Holy Spirit from the Christian experience and corporate worship.
This error resulted in trinitarianism, when the reality is that our Creator is Spirit Soul And Body just as we who have been created in His image.
The truth is → God is Spirit → the Spirit Of God is the Holy Spirit → the Holy Spirit is our eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent Creator → the Holy Spirit is the Father → the Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus → the Holy Spirit is greater than the body and soul of Jesus → the Holy Spirit has been given unto us → the Holy Spirit should fill our bodies via Spirit Baptism → the Holy Spirit is Christ in us → the Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Truth → the Holy Spirit is the strength of Christ in us
The Holy Spirit, who is the Lord, is the power of our faith. To deny the power of the Lord is to deny the Holy Spirit in us who is Christ in us, our only hope. Col 1:27
Being drunk is being under the influence. Being sober is being clear headed. Alcohol and drugs are not the only things that can bring one under the influence of Satan,
The Mystery Of God, the Mystery Of Christ is accomplished as we are filled with the Holy Spirit and serve Christ in His power
The Holy Spirit IS Eternal Life. Receiving Him is receiving Eternal Life. Apart from Him there is only death.
When Jesus talked about giving us life and life more abundantly, He was talking about giving us His Holy Spirit Joh 10:10.
May all believers in Christ Jesus come to understand that He lives in us by His Holy Spirit and without His Holy Spirit we are none of His.
Consider what John the Baptist said about Jesus:
Water Baptism is a sign that the person being baptized is repentant. Repentance is necessary to access the Grace of the Lord. Jesus is the object to which we turn toward away from our old ways of thinking, believing and living.
Though John does not mention it here, turning away from the old life to Christ Jesus and confession of Him as the risen Lord confirm our redemption by Grace Rom 10:9,10.
We are redeemed by the sacrifice of Christ Jesus. Redemption is all on His part. We add nothing to it.
Once we are Born Again as a result of repentance and faith In Christ Jesus we are to be filled with His Holy Spirit.
We respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ → by turning away from unbelief and wickedness → by believing that Jesus is `God`, → by receiving Christ Jesus by faith as our Saviour, → by asking Him to fill us with His Holy Spirit.
Spirit Baptism is the end-game for our existence on earth. → the Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Christ in us → the Holy Spirit seals us to the Lord Jesus. → Receiving the Spirit Of Christ is intimate union with Jesus. → the Holy Spirit is Eternal Life in us → the Holy Spirit in us is our expectation of glory → the Holy Spirit is power in us to do the supernatural. → the Holy Spirit is the witness of Christ Jesus in us.
Jesus saved us from hell so He could fill us with His Holy Spirit. Fully receive Jesus by receiving and being baptized in His Holy Spirit.
To receive Christ is to receive His Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is so much more loving and giving than the best of parents. He will give Himself to anyone who asks Him.
The reality is that many believers do not want to manifest as Sons Of The Holy Spirit. They are content to just miss hell and enter heaven when they die.
But without the baptism of the Holy Spirit believers are ineffective as witnessed by the decline of the church and the secularization of society.
Jesus commanded the disciples to tarry in Jerusalem until they received the power of the Holy Spirit. Only then were they to go forth preaching the Gospel of the kingdom.
If the disciples who walked with Jesus needed Spirit Baptism, on what basis do believers think that they do not?