Jesus can come at any time.
But if we're waiting for Him to bail us out of the mess we've created we shouldn't be surprised if we find ourselves in great Tribulation .
Christ gave us His Spirit and His Word which equals His Power . He gave us the keys to His Kingdom .
What have Christians been doing? Loafing, playing and not doing what the boss commanded.
We should have been Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom . We should have been the head and not the tail. We should have been claiming the last few generations for Christ rather than giving them to Satan .
I don't really think the rank and file Christian wants to see their Lord . I recall Him saying something about a wicked, slothful, servant:
Matthew 25:30
And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Every generation since Christ came has believed they are the last generation before His Return . That concept has had NO positive effect for any generation. Instead of getting ready to leave they should have been getting ready to stay.
We are supposed to be working the fields when he comes, not star-gazing or sign watching.