    [ Created: 2017-08-25 14:05:06  Updated: 2017-08-25 14:19:32   Owner: rl ]
Title: Feeling your Culture is superior to others

We are all Racist , more or less.

I'm tired of all the hypocritical posturing.

I don't Hate anyone.

MLK gave his life for blacks. I don't have a problem with that, because he was black. It was only natural.

Many native Americans identify as native Americans rather than just Americans. I don't have a problem with that because they are native Americans. It's only natural.

Orientals have their enclaves. Hispanics have their enclaves. Muslims have their enclaves. It's only natural.

But it does indicate racial/ethnic/religious bias. And that my friend is Culturalism if not Racism .

White Anglo-Saxon Protestants ( WASP ) founded this country and established America with WASP Culture . They did the best job ever done because of their Culture .

Now, those of other cultures want to change America fundamentally.

Those other Cultures are just Jealous . They want to be in control. That's only natural.

I would like for them to just stop the Hypocrisy !

The countries from which most of these anti-WASP Cultures come are losers. They want to bring losing Culture into Dominance in America .

Immigrants should come here because they Believe in the Culture . Otherwise they should stay with similar people and their losing Culture .

What about blacks? The Democratic party took them from one form of Slavery to another. Now, the Slavery consists of subsistence checks for them with only one unspoken stipulation - Vote democratic. That was fine for a while but now they want 'fairness' (translation: more). How much will be enough? Well, look at the NBA or NFL . Mostly black players, more and more black coaches, more and more black owners. How much is enough? All!

Let's just stop the Hypocrisy ! All the pretense is embarassing. It offends the intellect. It makes us totally dishonest.

You say you don't have a Racist / Culturalist bone in your body? Wait till an unfriendly, unloving, unGodly Culture seizes the upper hand. That bone will start aching. Check out History .

So what's my solution to such a negative realization - that humanity is tainted with Racism / Culturalism / Nationalism ?

Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor Free , there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus .
The solution is real Culture change. It is the NewBirth in Christ Jesus .

Unless we come into Him, there will be Racism / Culturalism / Nationalism based clashes until He returns.

If you are a Christian reading this, you need to Understand you have a much bigger responsibility than Prayer .

Mark 16:15
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
He was talking to me - and you!