Public Education is Government Education .
What is the Religion of the Government ? SecularHumanism
When did the Government adopt SecularHumanism as its god? 1963 with the ruling that prayer in public school is unconstitutional.
So, the Public Education system has been the training ground for Socialism which is the Political arm of SecularHumanism .
Now we see Socialists becoming Fascists as they attempt to squelch all opposing ideas. They identify their Enemy as being Hateful .
It is rather Foolish to think you can stop someone driven by Hate without violence ensuing.
Speaking of Foolish. Is there anyone on the Left with a model for how Socialism works in the long haul?
A saying I heard many years ago is: "it just doesn't add up". Socialism doesn't add up by my reckoning. So, it must take a Delusional person to subscribe to it.
A Delusional person is always dangerous because deep down inside they know they have Deceived themselves and so act irrationally when their position is threatened.
At the Root of our societal problems is the error of public Education which has been made to be the boot camp of Socialist Ideas. Our young people have eaten the Fruit of it for a couple of generations.
In 2012 when Obama was re-elected I lost Faith in the American people. In 2016 my Faith was restored somewhat only for it to be undermined by institutions which are wholly, Ideologically Socialist : Media , Education , Corporations , Church (?).
Since I believe this age of the world is under man's control, I hope that Christians will embolden and confront the institutions as did the early Church. If we do, there will be a Revival (in the sense of positive human activities). If not, we can only go down into the pit that Satan has dug for humanity, waiting until the Lord's Return .
20190117 Regarding Duke Muslim University
Hey Duke fans (actually applies to many universities). Yeah, they can play basketball pretty good but they are murdering the Minds and Character of young adults with atheistic, satanic doctrines.
Jesus said:
Matthew 10:28
And Fear not them which Kill the Body , but are not able to Kill the Soul : but rather Fear him which is able to Destroy both Soul and Body in Hell.
God is not the destroyer. God sends no one to Hell. Satan uses men to corrupt the Minds of Humanity , arguing for the rejection of Christ Jesus. Those who believe those arguments destroy themselves and send themselves to Hell .
It's way past time that we recognize who the enemy is.
1 John 2:22
Who is a Liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ ? He is AntiChrist , that denieth the Father and the Son.
Are we going to continue being deceived by the facade of respectability (education, wealth, talent, glibness, beauty, etc.) or are we going to judge things by the measure of God's Word ?