[ Created: 2017-08-07 09:00:20  Updated: 2017-08-13 13:30:14 Owner: rl ]
Title: A thought for a possible course of action     


Ideas are the basis for human behaviour.   Before any activity is started an Idea is formed becoming the motivation for the action.   

Ideas determine the success or failure in a person's Life.   Ideas that are not consistent with God's Laws result in failure.   Ideas consistent with God's Laws result in Success.   

Some descriptors which typically precede the word Idea in our Conversations are: Good Bad Stupid Dumb Brilliant Great Crazy Hair-brained Original.   

Since Ideas are so important to us we should be concerned about where our Ideas come from.   

What gave you that Idea ?   

Jeremiah 10:23
O Lord, I Know that the Way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.   

Since we don't have it in us to direct our own steps we need an advisor.   

Deuteronomy 30:19
I call Heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you Life and Death , Blessing and Cursing : therefore choose Life , that both thou and thy Seed may Live :
So, the choice is ours.   We can choose Life or we can choose Death.   

How does a person distinguish between choices that produce such drastic extremes?   

The Idea that produces the right choice comes by Revelation.   The Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that Revelation.   

When a person's Mind is filled with that Light their Ideas are formulated from the Light.   The Light produces Abundant Life.   

The Light is Jesus , the Word of God and Holy Spirit.   

What are you exposing your Mind to?   Is it being exposed to the Light or to Darkness ?   Most of the information in the Media ( TV , Internet , Movies ) is Darkness.   Most of the information in our Conversations is Darkness.   

In order for you to experience the Abundant Life you must have a steady diet of Light.   You must keep the Darkness out.   It is your choice.   

Choose Life !