[ Created: 2017-08-03 00:33:21  Updated: 2022-07-12 14:20:55 Owner: rl ]
Title: Above nature - Spiritual     
To operate in the Spirit is to be Supernatural.   It is not mystical; it is simply operating in God's Spirit Realm.   

Did Jesus pump Himself up before He ministered?   There is no record indicating He did.   

Did Jesus pray vehementally to See people healed or delivered?   There is no record that He did.   

Did Jesus tell the people in need to go prepare themselves by prayer and fasting to receive their need?   There is no record that He did.   

Sometimes we expect a sort of "pumping up" before we see the power of God manifest.   

If Jesus didn't do it where does that notion come from?   

Well, it happens all the time in physical efforts.   We see weight lifters, fighters, runners, etc.   pumping themselves up before their effort.   

So, we extrapolate that physical behavior into the Spirit Realm.   


I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. - Phi 4:13
The strength of Christ Jesus is the Holy Spirit.     

The disciples were commanded to stay in Jerusalem until they were endued with the power of the Holy Spirit.     

We are not limited by our physical assets.     

We can deal with any circumstance, overcome any obstacle and accomplish whatsoever we desire (Mar 11:24) by power of the Holy Spirit.

This means that our strength is not in play.   It is all Christ.   It is all God.   

And we know that " All power in heaven and earth are given unto me." Matthew 28:18

So, "All things are possible to them that believe.   " Mark 9:23

The only "pumping" we need to do is to pump the Word of God into us and be filled with the Holy Spirit.   

God is always looking for opportunity to manifest His love, grace and power.   

He is waiting on us to believe what He says and operate in the power and authority of Christ Jesus.   

We are to effortlessly to proclaim what God has said with the expecation that the Holy Spirit will do it.   

Be Supernaturally Natural!   

If you look at Jesus, who is God in the flesh, you see a person who was supernaturally natural.   He never created a big production to accomplish anything He did.   He just said it and did it matter-of-factly.   

He was able to do this because
1) He had studied the prophets and believed that He was the fulfilment of the prophecies about the Messiah and
2) He was filled with the Holy Spirit and
3) He had pure faith.   

If you are filled with the Holy Spirit you are in constant uninterruped relationship with God and you have the power of God in you.   

It is faith in what God has said about you and done for you that enables you to matter-of-factly do supernatural things.   

Jesus believed the Word regarding the Messiah and made it happen by faith.   
The Spirit of God moves according to the Word of God and the Word of God is empowered by the Spirit of God.   

The Spirit of God is a gift to us.   The Word of God must be heard, believed, received and spoken in order for its power to manifest through us.   

Supernatural is what the Spirit does according to the Word when it is spoken in faith.