Jesus taught, preached, healed and delivered
and then He upbraided the unbelievers and pronounced severe judgment upon them .
The Body of Christ is severely lacking in the latter part of Christ`s messaging. As a result, evil now rules the world. We have given place to the Devil .
No amount of being Christ-like will overcome those with reprobate minds, those with seared consciences, those who have joined forces with Satan .
Because we have dropped the judgement part of Christ`s messaging - the flip side of Grace - our Lord is going to have to clean up the mess we have enabled when He returns.
There is still time to push the enemy back but it will be with the word of our mouths casting the enemy down from his strongholds
→ polytheism,
→ atheism,
→ abortion,
→ profligation,
→ lying ( Evolution Theory, Climate Change, Witchcraft) and
→ licentiousness
while preaching Christ Jesus as the only means of salvation.
Whether people repent or not is none of our business. Our sole business is to preach the Gospel.
Just as light has darkness and good has evil so Grace has judgment.
Let us testify The Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth so that we are delivered of our responsibility just as Jesus delivered Himself of His responsibility to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.