[ Created: 2017-06-06 07:56:53  Updated: 2023-03-22 17:47:40 Owner: rl ]
Title: Supreme ruler possessing ultimate Power    


Submit yourselves therefore to God.     Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
These commands ensure victory.     

The Lord wants only your best interest served, so work with Him.     

Satan, on the other hand, is the enemy and must be resisted whenever and wherever he appears.     

We submit from our will just as we rebel from our will.     The rebellious attitude leads to destruction while the submissive attitude leads to eternal, abundant life in the Holy Spirit.     

By the way, you don't have to submit to someone who has Extreme Sovereignty.

Does the Lord control everything that happens in the earth?   

If so, there is no will or choice and everything happens just as the Lord dictates.   

If not, who does control what happens in the earth?   

The Lord gave man dominion over the earth.   
He has entrusted us with its administration.   

Our choices determine the future for ourselves and humanity.   

When we choose Christ Jesus we choose life and experience the wonderful blessings of being a child of the Lord.   

When a person rejects Christ Jesus they choose death.   Death plays out in need, in guilt, in sorrow and suffering.   

When man chose to pursue life apart from the Lord he was actually choosing death.   the Lord told Adam and Eve that in the day they ate of the forbidden fruit they would die.   Though they did not die physically, they Died spiritually.   

Everything that is evil in this world proceeds from the choice to pursue life apart from the Lord.   

The Lord does not have to kill.   He simply removes His life and death occurs.   

Christ Jesus has made it possible for healing to manifest.   
However, man is still sovereign over his own choices and, in concert, the earth.   

When a person comes to Christ Jesus they are healed.   

When a person pushes Christ away, they remain under the power of sin which produces death.   

So, the Lord is not causing the terrible things to happen in this earth.   It is man.   

We cannot choose the consequences of our choices.   

Jesus came that we might have life and have it abundantly.   

Jesus has made us sons of the Holy Spirit.   

Jesus has given us His Holy Spirit.   

Through the Holy Spirit we have power.   

Our station in Christ should manifest in boldness.   

We are to establish the kingdom of the Lord here on earth by His power ( Holy Spirit) according to His Word through preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   
And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Peter is the archtype of the members of the body of Christ each of which will have Christ's authority to bind and loose for the purpose of accomplishing the Lord's will on earth as it is in heaven.     

Couple these verses, , with the promises of the Lord to Abraham whose children we are by faith.     

It is our calling and our empowerment to improve the Human Condition.

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Sovereign?   by Barry Bennett When I minister on the goodness of God, the authority He has given to believers, the power of His promises, healing, and blessings, there are often those who resist.   Many times the first words out of their mouths are:

“Well, you know God is sovereign.”

I immediately know that
    this person has been indoctrinated into the traditions of men and
    has not truly accepted the revelation of God through Jesus.   
    They haven't accepted the words of Jesus, the finished work of the cross, or the revelation of His will and purposes for His children.   
    They don’t understand the New Covenant.   

The “God is Sovereign” bag is something of a theological black hole in which any promise of God can be tossed and written off as, “subject to God’s mysterious whims”.   

Verses from Job are exalted over the clear teachings of Jesus.   There seems to be a veil over the hearts of many who have been seduced into not believing God.   

Jesus never told the sick that they would be healed when they got to heaven.   

He healed them and told us to do the same.   Why is that so threatening?   Because the traditions of men are powerless, and they know it.   

Let’s take Jesus at His Word.   ““The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.   I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” ()