[ Created: 2017-05-28 08:03:46  Updated: 2023-11-07 06:06:01 Owner: rl ]
Title: In whom do we trust?    



All of the political, social and religious issues we face revolve around the issue of "In whom do we trust?".   

Trust is an interesting concept.   It involves faith and reliance.   

Many Americans have lost faith in our government.   We no longer trust the system that was designed to protect us from men.   

The question is: "Where are the voices of reason?"

We have 535 representatives in congress.   Why is it that we only hear from the leaders in the two parties?   Where are the other voices?   Are they all in agreement?   Do the leaders really reflect the will of the other member.   More importantly, do the leaders reflect the will of the people?   

It really seems like the country is being run by an oligarchy - 9 on the bench, 2 in the white house and about 8 in congress.   That is less than 20 people controlling the lives of 350,000,000+.   

Our republican government was designed to be fluid and responsive to the masses.   It has almost turned to stone as dissension within ranks has virtually been quashed.   

Are all the democratic representatives in congress in 100% agreement with their leaders?   

Are all the republican representatives in congress cowards, afraid to support president Trump vocally, afraid to legislate like conservatives?   

I am sick of hearing "the and so".   
    There is no honor in cowardice.   
    There is no honor in abortion.   
    There is no honor in sexual perversion.   
    There is no honor in lying (obamacare).   
    There is no honor in financial irresponsibility (33 trillion debt)
    There is no honor in self-serving.   
    There is no honor in globalism.   
    There is no honor in not fixing the procedural problems in congress.   
    There is no honor in stealing (taxation).   
    There is no honor in enabling laziness.   
    There is no honor in legislating in violation of the Constitution (hate crimes).   
    There is no honor in omnibus bills and pork.   

We are to " Give honor where honor is due".   

Jesus said, "Except You repent, you will all likewise perish ".   

Our country will survive if and only if we repent.   And that includes the people in DC.   

Jesus taught in the temple but eventually He cleansed it physically.   

Our government needs to be cleansed of the dishonorable.   Too many free passes have been and continue to be given to the dishonorable.   

So, yes, we need to pray for our government, but we need to pray responsibly and specifically.   

e.g.   Father, I pray that each person in our government come to know Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour so they may serve You and, in so doing, the people.   If they refuse Christ, I pray that their wickedness be revealed and that they are removed from office so that the land many be healed.   In Jesus name.   Amen.