God gave Dominion over the earth to man. God is not controlling events on earth except through men. If we don't use the Authority and Power we have in Christ Jesus , Satan will rule this age of the world.
When Christ Returns , then and only then will God forcefully (by the Word of His mouth) dominate the earth.
Wake up! Prayer is not the solution. Prayer simply prepares you for action. If you never act, never Speak , nothing will Change for the better.
Jesus commanded us to Preach the Gospel to all the world. We are Overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our Testimony .
Without the Word of our Testimony we will not Overcome.
Speak and act if you want to see the Enemy Defeated. Satan has no Power but ideas. He has put those ideas in men who are destroying humanity.
Recognize that strong Delusion has come upon most of the intelligencia - the educated and controllers of Education , Media and Government. It is SecularHumanism - an Evil Religion that displaces God and puts man in His place.
If you don't stand up, Speak and act, who will?