Life is not Fair .
Furthermore, it cannot be made Fair .
The Left has grabbed this word up and used it as a Weapon against God .
If you think about it, God is not Fair as everyone is different - different in Mental , Physical and Environmental assets.
Anytime someone uses the word, Fair , be aware they are focused only on themselves. They see everything in the context of self. Self is the center of the universe. Self is the be all and end all.
So, we should just get over the word, Fair , and start seeing everything as a Gift . A Gift is not deserved and cannot be considered an Entitlement .
God's Grace (unmerited favor) is truly amazing. It all comes from His Love .
But Sin is still Sin . It still destroys. It is still Evil .
Furthermore, God's Grace does not immunize us from the effects of Sin .
Our country is divided today because of violation of the following two commandments:
Exodus 20:17
Thou shalt not covet ... any thing that is thy neighbour’s.
Exodus 20:15
Thou shalt not steal.
The concept of 'fairness' has been injected into the American psyche. I am entitled to what my neighbor has. It is fine for the government to steal on my behalf.
The enemy comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. Satan has convinced a large segment of our population that coveting and stealing are morally correct.
God gave these commandments because He knew the destructiveness that will follow if we do not personally and societally resist the urge to covet and steal what belongs to others.
If we persist in breaking these commandments, they will break us.
Are you coveting what belongs to someone else? Is the government stealing on your behalf?