Education Prayer    [ Created: 2017-05-04 07:18:24  Updated: 2017-05-04 11:51:37   Owner: rl ]
Title: A prayer regarding Education
Father , Thank you for your Love for us. Thank you for providing for all of our needs through Christ Jesus our Lord .

We thank you that you have revealed to us the Foundation of Knowledge , of Wisdom and of Life itself. That Foundation is Knowledge of you who has revealed yourself in your Word , written and incarnated in our Lord Jesus .

Father we recognize the foolishness of our decision to lay a different Foundation for our Education system than Christ Jesus . Your word tells us there is no other Foundation than Him . That decision has left us with a generation of people who trust in everything but You.

Today, Father , half our country is Lost , believing that Education is an end unto itself. We have graduates of high schools and universities that find that a degree does not guarantee success. They return home for parental support, they look for the Government to provide for them.

Forgive us for hewing out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water, for rejecting you, the Fountain of Living Waters.

May our eyes be opened by the Light of your Word . May we understand that you have provided Abundant Life that will manifest only when we are connected to your Son , Jesus Christ . May each American come to Know the Power of your Love .

I pray that teachers at all levels of Education be blessed with Revelation of you and your promises to us for that Abundant Life so that they can impart to their students the Truth as well as information.

May they seize the opportunity to teach Character as the ultimate measure of a successful Life .

May each of us realize that you gave dominion over the earth to man. In Christ , we have been restored, we have been made your children. May we take dominion over this earth in Jesus name so that all may drink of the water of Life.

You instructed us to Pray that your Kingdom come, that your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven . You did your part to empower us with your Life , with your Spirit .

The Children belong to you. May we bring them up in your nurture and admiration.

May each of us see ourselves as educators and begin laying the only Foundation and Hope for human Glory - Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour .

In his precious , Holy , Glorious Name we Pray .
