Aiding and abetting the enemy is Treason .
We usually associate Treason with disloyalty to ones's country.
Christianity is in a struggle for control against the gates of Hell .
Either a person is a Christian or they are aligned with the enemies of Christ . There is no middle ground.
Many Christians have knowingly or unknowingly aided and abetted the enemies of Christ .
This is Spiritual Treason .
It is time to take a stand with Christ against the enemies of the Kingdom .
An Enemy of the Kingdom is anyone who has heard the Gospel and rejected it.
To Honor or Support an Enemy of the Kingdom is Spiritual Treason .
Make sure your allegiance is to Christ and that you use the resources He has given you for His Kingdom and not for the Enemy .
The enemies of the Kingdom use Entertainment to raise funds against the Kingdom .
If you are being entertained by enemies of the Kingdom there are two things wrong:
1) you get pleasure from evildoers;
2) you are financially supporting their efforts to undermine the Kingdom .
Stop it !