[ Created: 2023-10-06 17:20:36  Updated: 2023-10-06 18:21:34 Owner: rl ]
Title: When did America turn against God and toward hell?    



Engel V.   Vitale(1962)
    in this decision the SCOTUS ruled that prayer in public schools was illeegal

Abington School District V.   Schempp(1963)
    in this ruling the SCOTUS ruled that Bible reading in public schools was illegal

With these two court decisions America effectively turned loose from the hand of God and went after Baal.   

If you think I am being overly religious in this statement, you have not considered the trajectory of our country over the past 60 years.   

The 1960`s were at the same time the most prosperous time, the most hopeful time and the most convulsive time for America.   

It has taken 60 years for the evil seed that was sown at our height to grow America into an evil, divisive, foolish, in-debt, self-destructive, pathetic shell of what she was.   
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget the Lord.
This is the law of the Lord and it is immutable.     

Understand that hell is a destination of destruction, misery and death.     This verse is telling us that every nation that forgets the Lord will fall into destruction, misery and cease to exist.     

Hell will be cast into the Lake Of Fire at The Judgment.     

The Lord has not yet judged America.   What we are seeing are simply the fruit of the seeds we sowed in rebellion against Truth and Light.   

Truth and Light are metaphors for the Lord Jesus Christ in whom all who are to be saved will be saved.   

For the years since the infamous decisions of 1962 and 1963 America has lived off the strength and vitality with which the Lord blessed our forefathers.   


It takes a long time and many miles for a fully loaded freight train to come to a stop once the throttle is pulled back.   

Such has been the case with America.   But, she is finally coming to a stop.   What specifically has stopped her?   
    climate change
    elitist globalists

That may not be the full list but it covers most of the evil fruit from which the seeds of 1962, 1963 were sown.   

How can America be saved?   
The same way each of us are saved.   

Repentance is the first step in salvation.   

We must individually and collectively admit that we are wrong - that forsaking the Lord was a horrendous mistake.   

When we reject all of the fruit that sprang from our rebellion our sanity will be restored as well as and our standing with the Lord.   

When we are restored to sanity, we will begin to do those things which bring healing to every facet of our lives.   

It will take time to clean up the mess.   But the Law Of The Lord has benefits for obedience and we will enjoy those benefits expediting our recovery.