Self Identification is initially an automatic action that happens early in life. It is a reaction to the circumstances that we are born into.
As a person matures they begin to assess their Identity in terms of their emotions and desires. For example, individuals born into poverty may decide to get out of poverty to escape the stigma of being poor. In recent times people have taken to reassessing their Gender or Sexuality.
The motivations for changing a person's Self Identity are many. In every case where a person changes their Self Identity an act of Will is involved.
Your Identity is ultimately who you chooose to be. This is both powerful and dangerous. Through an act of Will a person may decide to be a thief, murderer, prostitute, rapist or Terrorist. On the other hand, a person may decide to become a doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc.
Other than Will the most important factors affecting who we become are opportunity, wherewithal and influences.
It is possible for a person to be deluded about their Identity. Who they Self Identify as may be in conflict with the reality of who they really are.
When a person willfully decides to Self Identify as something other than what they are, they start down a torturous path. They will constantly be confronted with evidence that conflicts with their Self Identity.
Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be Born Again to see and enter the Kingdom of God. He was teaching us that it is possible for whatever Self Identity we have to be changed. The change would require an act of Will but it would not involve self-effort or delusional thinking.
Christ's intent was that through the New Birth we Self Identify as Sons of God. Many Christians have been Born Again but have not fully changed their Self Identity. Often they see themselves as Saved and improved.
Jesus said you don't put new wine in old bottles; you don't repair an old cloth with a new piece. His meaning is clear: we must change our Self Identity. Anything less than a change of Self Identity will just make things worse.
It is time for Christians to Self Identity as new Spirit beings who are in fact Sons of God with Power and Authority from Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit
The conviction of who we are in Christ Jesus will come through the Word and Spirit. When we are thoroughly convinced, we will Manifest this new Self Identity.