One of the wonderful things about youth is innocence. The challenge we have today is protecting our children from losing that innocence prematurely. The digital age, entertainment and prosperity has enabled that innocence to evaporate all too soon for many children.
We need to change our behavior as parents towards our children. Giving is not always a sign of love. Some times saying no is best. Sometimes telling the child to go outside and play is best. Sometimes having them work for an allowance is best.
Unless you move to a commune or separatist enclave there will still be exposure that you cannot prevent. The message here is: Don't be part of the problem, be part of the solution. Be a parent, not a friend.
Help the child enjoy the innocence their age expects. Once it's gone, it is lost forever.
Parents need to tell this truth to their children:
1. You are only 1 in 7,500,000,000 people.
2. Only about 100 of those people know you
3. Only 10 or less of those people really care about you
4. So, the numbers indicate you are not very special.
5. You need to derive your value from God who created you, who died for you, who really loves you and who has a plan for your life.