    [ Created: 2017-03-14 11:53:50  Updated: 2019-03-07 01:50:40   Owner: rl ]
Title: To change one's belief system or way of thinking - Repent     

Why we do we need to Convert ?

Can't we all just "get along"?

The short answer is an emphatic NO!

The reason for this is the SinNature that every Human is born with. It drives us apart.

The SinNature breaks up families by pitting fathers against mothers, children against parents.

The SinNature causes neighbors to feud.

The SinNature causes friends to get offended and never speak to each other again.

The SinNature causes chasms to form in our Society .

The SinNature causes our Government to become Corrupt and self-serving.

The SinNature causes nations to go to War .

Yes, we do need to be Converted!

Early on in America we were a Christian nation that believed the Bible and accepted its Authority. That is not to say that all individuals were Christians. But the spirit of the country was Christian in a very fundamental way.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident..." enabled our Government to be formed.

The advent of the Theory of Evolution began to undermine the spirit of America. It insidiously began to take root in Philosophy , then Politics , then Education and in Society at large.

The Theory of Evolution was satanically motivated. Men who did not like to "retain God in their knowledge" came up with theories and philosophies to explain away God and set Man up as sovereign.

That is the background of why we are where we are today.

Following is the strategy satan has used since removing God from our Institutions and setting up SecularHumanism as the State Religion .

Satan's initial phalanx of attack is to Steal the Truth by getting an individual to Doubt or reject God. This is what happened to us as he used the "tolerance" argument in getting us to compromise against what God has said in His Word.

The second phalanx of attack is to Destroy by condemning us for ever having believed God. That is where we are now - re-writing History, desecrating monuments and Christians being called bigots, racists, misogynists, etc.

His third phalanx is to actually kill those who refuse to follow him. Unless we take a stand on the Word of God and our Constitution , that is next.

Some would say, nobody has seen satan. That could also be said of God (at least in these days). Satan uses people just like God uses people.

So, either a person is in God through Christ Jesus or they are in satan. It is impossible to be anywhere else.

Following is the Christian strategy to Convert a person to believe the Word of God - Christ Jesus .

First, we need to recognize the Enemy through the lens of God's Word , His Love and His Grace. The Enemy is not the unbeliever, it is the deceiver.

To be certain of a person's allegiance we need to ask them if they believe in God. If the answer is "no" they are by definition " Fools ". All of their values, principles and even their thinking is Corrupt. Such a person should not be in a position of leadership since the result of the blind leading the blind is that they both fall in the ditch.

To an Atheist or Agnostic you can only use the evidence of IntelligentDesign and their inherent need to know God as the points of your argument. Atheists have tried to kill that internal need for God but it is still there. Your objective is not to Convert them to believing in God but to introduce them to Christ Jesus.

If a person believes in God they may still be in the bonds of deception, delusion. So, you should ask them if they have received Christ Jesus as Saviour and Lord. If the answer is yes, then ask them if they believe the Bible , God's Word. If the answer is yes, you can discuss any Political issue from the perspective of God's Word and come to agreement.

If a Christian says they do not accept the Bible as God's Word , then you must question (in your mind) the legitimacy of their Relationship with Christ who is the incarnate Word. It may take some time to exhort such a person back into right Relationship with Christ. Be patient.

If a person is a Christian and accepts the Bible as the Word of God you either already have agreement on Political issues or at least have a basis for coming to agreement.

If a person is not a Christian or rejects the Bible as the Word of God you are wasting your time trying to come to agreement on Political issues .

This is why there is such a Political stalemate in our country. There are totally opposite WorldViews being held and they cannot be reconciled by any amount of discussion or debate.

Jesus said, "unless you Repent you will all likewise Perish ". The Repentance He was talking about was conversion to the Truth - and He is the Truth .

When a person receives Christ as Lord they come under His Authority by the NewNature in the NewBirth and are drawn to Unity in the HolySpirit .

The purpose of "preaching the Gospel to every creature" is so that men will be converted and brought into Unity by the HolySpirit.