The antithesis of love.
Hate takes many forms though we don't often recognize it unless it manifests violence.
If you do not love your neighbor as yourself you likely have the ability to hate them.
Not considering the other person's position implies that you have in some sense "written them off". When this happens the next step in degraded relations is animosity.
Our country was founded on freedom and the 1st amendment guarantees freedom of speech.
Be careful who you consider hateful. Be careful that you are not deceived by a cloak of love or soft speech.
The enemy transforms himself into an angel of light. why? To deceive.
If a person is not in relationship with Christ Jesus it is likely that their motivation is hate. Again, they might not appear violent. They may even seem 'right'. They may even seem sincere.
If their words, position, ideology and actions do not mesh with the Word of the Lord you should see them as a messenger of Satan.
Did the Lord really hate Esau?
Short answer: No!
But the Bible says so, doesn't it?
As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. - |
We must distinguish between motivation, actions and conclusions if we are to have any hope of understanding the Old Testament.
The motivation is often unclear in the O.T. The actions are abundantly clear. The conclusion is often skewed by not understanding the motivation.
In Esau's case, for example, the Lord loved Esau as He does all humanity. However, Esau was not interested in the Lord or His plans. Esau loved the Lord's creation .
The evidence is abundant. He sold his birthright (promise of the Lord's blessings) to jacob for a single meal. He was a man of the earth, the field. He was content to just enjoy the physical life.
Because his heart was not toward the Lord he suffered great loss: his birthright, the primary blessing from Isaac and a lack of respect by people who saw him as less than his brother.
So, man, by his 'great' powers of logic and misunderstanding of the Lord's sovereignty concluded that the Lord must hate Esau and love jacob. After all, jacob was greatly blessed.
We see this same conclusion being made today when a person's actions produce negative consequences but they refuse to take the blame. Rather they blame the Lord for hating them.
That verse is the Truth. Any idea that the Lord is a respecter of persons is a lie from Satan.