A sieve is a filter which stops particles of a given size or larger from passing through. It allows smaller particles to pass through freely.
The chief property of a sieve is the size of the apertures through which particles may pass.
Evil is the absence of Good.
It was not created.
It is a void.
It is empty space.
So we see that void existed before there was something.
Our Creator defined light and ordained it. He chose light and goodness for Himself.
On the sixth day our Creator made man in His image. This means He made man like Himself and gave him the ability to choose.
Our Creator could have made a 'perfect' world wherein it was impossible for evil to exist.
But He didn't.
He didn't because He wanted to fellowship with beings like Himself who, given the opportunity, would choose light and goodness over the void of darkness and evil.
This is The Great Sieve.
After 4000 years of allowing man to flounder in the gift of Free Will, our Creator made Himself a body of flesh and became one of us.
But when the fulness of the time was come, the Holy Spirit sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,  |
His name is Jesus.
Jesus had the gift of Free Will as all humans do. He was tempted to choose darkness and evil just as each of us have been tempted.
Jesus not only chose light and goodness. He became light and goodness by totally submitting Himself to His Holy Spirit Father.
But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: |
Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit for the purpose of being the express image of the Holy Spirit. His willingness to fully submit to the purpose of the Holy Spirit made Him Lord and Saviour of all.
Now, our Creator has defined the size of the aperture of The Great Sieve. It is faith In Christ Jesus as Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Saviour, Lord and King of all.
How does one pass through this Narrow Way? How does one enter through this StraightGate?
Again, creation exists for this one purpose - That our Creator would be able to fellowship with beings like Himself, who love light and goodness, who hate darkness and evil.
Whether or not a person likes this reality is irrelevant!
Our physical life on earth is essentially our being sent to The Great Sieve.
Whether we pass through The Great Sieve into eternal, abundant life or whether we are too arrogant and self-willed to pass through it, is determined by our choice.
We are all created by the Lord, but we are not all His children. In order to become a Child Of The Holy Spirit we must believe the Words of the scriptures above regarding Jesus, humbling ourselves before Jesus and receiving His Holy Spirit by faith in Him.
Only Children Of The Lord will pass through the aperture, Jesus, into Eternal Life in His presence.
All who reject Christ Jesus as Saviour and Lord will not pass through.
That which is left in The Great Sieve will be cast into the Lake Of Fire.