The Left has left God .
This isn't to say there are not Believers on the Left .
This is a sober, fact-based assessment. Here are the facts:
- Abortion
- Homosexuality
- Socialism
- Polytheism
- Atheism
- Agnosticism
- Immorality
- Hate
- Deception
- Corruption
When a person comes to Christ they Receive Him as Saviour and Lord . The Lord aspect of this Relationship implies that His Word is Law for their Lives .
An aspect of coming to Christ is that we allow Him to write His Law in our Minds and Hearts . What this means is that we begin to think and behave as God because our nature has changed - not because we have to.
Our behaviour does not Save us, but it is an outward sign of our Conversion . Jesus said you will know a tree from the Fruit it bears.
As we consider the above characteristics of the Left we conclude that it does not proceed from God .
There is no Fellowship between Light and darkness. This explains why there is such a rift in America .
Rather than confront the Left from the Political perspective we must cut to the chase and introduce (or re-introduce) them to Jesus Christ .
A person's Politics proceeds from their WorldView which proceeds from their Spirituality .