[ Created: 2023-10-02 07:40:43  Updated: 2023-10-02 07:43:45 Owner: rl ]
Title: The essence of Christianity    



The following is from The Faith    
Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
We are beloved of the Holy Spirit and accepted in Him by believing the Gospel of Grace Through Faith In Christ Jesus.       In this Heart Faith of Christ Jesus and His words we must stand fast in order to experience the fullness of salvation.       The Lord will not move.       Don't you.       

But what is salvation?       It is Eternal Life and Abundant Life .        It is being whole, nothing lacking .        It is the concept of wholeness that we must contend for.       

It is the provision of wholeness that Satan wants to steal.       

Study the Word so that you are strong in His promises.       Pray in the Spirit to experience more of His life in yourself.       

The Faith is typically stating that
    the Lord Jesus Christ is Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Saviour, Lord and King and
    His forgiveness is extended to all by His amazing Grace which issues from His unbounded love.     
    He gives His Holy Spirit to those who believe on Him and ask to be filled

It is otherwise referred to as the Common Salvation.     

However, it was the Faith Of Christ that filled the early apostles enabling them to do the works that He did.     

Notice that we are to 'contend for the faith'.     There is no reason to contend for the statement of faith above.     Those who receive Christ readily accept those precepts.     

However, the Faith Of Christ is another matter.     Most Christians today do not have the Faith Of Christ.     They do not live in The Faith.     Rather they live in a confession of precepts.     

The power of the Holy Spirit manifests the works of Christ through us to the extent that we have received and elevated the Faith Of Christ to its rightful place of supremacy in our psyche and hearts.     

A fruit of the Holy Spirit is faith.     I believe this fruit is The Faith - the Faith Of Christ.