Christianity is about a personal relationship with
Jesus Christ . It is about personal encounters with unbelievers to share with them the
Gospel (good news) of God's
Love as demonstrated through
Christ .
You cannot blanket Save a group of people by policy. You cannot change their Character by wishfully thinking them into Salvation .
Tolerance has been a key word used by SecularHumanists to open the door for many ungodly concepts to brainwash society including Christians . No one would think seriously about being Tolerant of a murderer or rapist in their home. Somehow, though, we have convinced ourselves that America is immune to the dangers that those types of people present.
SecularHumanists believe that all people are inherently Good . The Bible teaches that all people are inherently Evil because of the Sin nature that is born in us.
Trusting people motivated by the Sin nature is foolish. We are not supposed to Trust people without verification. Verification is basic Wisdom .
Our job as Christians is to Witness of Jesus Christ to every person we encounter. The purpose is two-fold:
- to Convert them to Believers in Christ
- to know their standing
The Bible says that whoever denies that Jesus is come in the flesh is AntiChrist . This means that anyone who denies that Jesus is the Son of God is AntiChrist . To be AntiChrist means you are an enemy of Christ which means you are an enemy of Christians .
Why would anyone encourage their enemy to live with them or among them? This idea has to come from satan! Remember, he comes to steal, kill and destroy. He is the author of confusion.
Many Christians have been martyred in the past few years by people operating in the spirit of AntiChrist . To allow people into America whose religion supports this is the height of insanity at best and demonically inspired at the worst.
The Wisdom of Jesus :
Matthew 24:43
But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.