A key feature of Elitism is disdain for those who are not Elite.
Why? Because they are superior.
The way to really anger an Elitist is to challenge or come against them.
Have you notice that Elitists never come against each other? They protect fellow Elitists so they will be protected too.
It's sort of a club - a mutual admiration society.
We are seeing very Fascist attitudes and actions by the Elites of late.
Facebook, You Tube, Twitter, Google (not to mention the Media) are really getting upset with real Doctors coming out in favor of HCQ for prophylaxis and early treatment without hospitalization and a low cost .
The reason is their Pride is injured, their position is challenged, and their pocketbooks are affected.
Follow the money.
Look at how the computing industry developed early on. Microsoft and Apple dominated the OS world and made great fortunes.
In the pharmaceutical world, Burroughs Welcome and Glaxo became Glaxo-Welcome. Smith and Klein became Smith-Klein. Then Glaxo-Welcome and Smith-Klein became Glaxo-Smith-Klein.
Why the need to try to dominate an industry? Pride, which is the earmark of an Elitist.
An Elitist believes he is the best and so sets out to prove it.
I said all this to get to this point: America is being served up by Elitists.
Corporate Elitism, Media Elitism, Political Elitist and Social Elitism are all carving up America to sate its appetite for credentials, wealth and power.
America was not founded for Elitists. That's what they left in Europe, except they called them Royalty.
America was founded for real people with honest emotions, a work ethic, a faith in God and a love for Freedom.
Elitists see such people as suckers to be taken advantage of because, after all, "they are not as good as us Elitists".
Remember the term 'deplorables'? That was an Elitist term which other Elitists applauded.
Elitism must be destroyed for the same reason that Royalty should be destroyed. No one deserves more because of their birth, their credentials or who they know.
Every person should be allowed equal opportunity and at the same time receive equal justice under the law.
Anyone who does not agree with this is an Elitist and therefore an enemy of Americanism.