[ Created: 2023-09-30 21:46:26  Updated: 2023-09-30 22:05:33 Owner: rl ]
Title: Having laws is irrelevant if they are not enforced    



A video was posted on FB of a trucker who was stopped by a van out of which 2 men jumped with guns and hijacked the truck.   

The poster of the video asked: What would you do?   

I responded by saying I would run over the hijackers.   

FB removed that comment saying I was encouraging violence

Obama disenfranchised policing for public safefy.   This led to reducing funding for police forces and criminal actions against police for doing their job.   

Now we have people sitting in highways to stop legitimate traffic and others looting stores in broad daylight.   

On top of that Biden has opened the borders for any thug or criminal that wants to cross over.   

This means that individual citizens will have to take responsibility for protecting themselves and others.   

Obviously, this is not optimal and will lead to more violence.   

But this is the price society will have to pay for not eliminating the criminal element.   

FB, as we know is run by liberal fascist idiots.   You need to ignore their standards which are designed to neuter the populace.   

Even a person sitting in the road is assaulting you.   How do you know that they do not have a gun, ready to complete the assault as soon as you stop?   You don't.   

Never let someone force you off the road or make you stop your vehicle.   They are obviously up to no good.   If you do stop you are accepting their assault.   

Anyone committing assault should be dealt with as harshly as is possible.