Pride and arrogance are the foundations for Elitism. The problem with Elitism is that virtually every person considers themselves Elite in some way.
Elitism has manifested itself most consistently throughout history in the following ways:
The ability to reason correctly is more important than raw Intelligence. The type of Education is determines the quality of actions. Valuing genetic background is the shallowest. The power of Religion to influence rightly or wrongly is evident.
So, Elitism should be generally recognized as an Evil in society.
20181214 Socialism and Elitism
Most of you are aware that Congress exempts itself from legislation when convenient. You are also aware that it gives itself payraises and retirement packages that are obscene.
You may not be aware of the fact that the Washington, D.C. area of Md. and northern Va. are some of the most affluent areas in the U.S.
These are bureaucrats who, in the name of serving the people, in reality use the public taxes to live better lives than the people they serve.
This should surprise no one. As the country moves more and more toward Socialism the differential between the Elites (those in power) and the rest will get wider.
The goal of Socialism is really to empower the Elites so that the rest have no recourse but to serve them.
Sons Of God are better than sons of Satan.
A Child Of God is better than a Child Of Satan. Christians are Elite in a Good way because they are Spirit Filled and are Eternal Spirit beings bound for Heaven.