Our founding fathers knew that the only way the new Government would work is if the people serving had the Integrity that comes from a Christian foundation.
When the foundation of any structure is destroyed the superstructure will collapse.
Politics is a manifestation of Ideology which is a by-product of a person's WorldView which comes from their Spirituality.
As people have broken connection with the fountain of Life , hewn them out broken cisterns and filled them with water, it is no wonder that we see more and more Corruption surfacing.
We must start calling Sin , Sin. We must start calling Lies , Lies. We must start calling Delusion , Delusion. We must proclaim Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord so that the American people are set free from Bondage and Deception.
There is no Salvation for a person other than in Jesus Christ. This Salvation is not only for Eternity but for the here and now. Our Economy , our Society and our Government can only be Saved through the Knowledge of Jesus Christ being revealed to its people.