[ Created: 2017-03-04 20:27:44  Updated: 2022-03-09 07:11:44 Owner: rl ]
Title: The final battle     

For we Wrestle not against Flesh and Blood, but against Principalities, against powers, against the Rulers of the Darkness of this World, against Spiritual Wickedness in high places. - Eph 6:12
Flesh and Blood is needed to impact the people of Earth in the PhysicalRealm.     That is why God made Himself a Body and we called Him Jesus whose purpose was to Redeem us from our Lost state.     Likewise, Satan uses Flesh and Blood people to do his work in the Earth.     

SpiritualWickedness is the foundation for the attacks against our Faith and our Work for the KingdomOfGod.     That SpiritualWickedness comes from Satan through His Deception of mankind.     Darkness is where Satan rules, using his powers of persuasion to convince men to turn away from God.     When a person rejects Christ they become a ChildOfSatan and unknowlingly or willingly become his instrument to Steal, Kill and Destroy.

The Division in America is not Political.   It is Spiritual.   Do not be Deceived by smooth words and lofty 'goals'.   Satan always uses smooth words and lofty goals to Deceive:

And the serpent said unto the woman, You shall not surely Die: - Gen 3:4
Contradicting God is Satan's disposition.     He understands the Power of God's Word and does everything possible to prevent us from Believing and Appropriating the Promises of God.

For God does Know that in the day you eat thereof, then your Eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, Knowing Good and Evil. - Gen 3:5

Recognize the enemies of Christ Jesus.   They are your enemies too:

Who is a Liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ?     He is Antichrist, that denies the Father and the Son. - 1Jn 2:22
A person who rejects Christ Jesus automatically becomes a Liar because they have rejected the Truth.

And every Spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh is not of God: and this is that Spirit of Antichrist, whereof you have Heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the World. - 1Jn 4:3
Every person is either a ChildOfGod or a ChildOfSatan.

Now is the time to proclaim Jesus Christ.   The battle is joined.   If we lose Politically, we will stand before the magistrate for the TestimonyOfJesusChrist and be Persecuted - possibly to Death.   Take this opportunity to proclaim Him, to bind the Enemy (Satan) and to set Free those he has Deceived.   

Preach the Word; be instant in season, out of season; Reprove, Rebuke, Exhort with all Longsuffering and Doctrine. - 2Ti 4:2
This is the order of the day to all Believers.     

We are each called to publicly proclaim the Gospel.     
We are always to be ready to share the Truth
We are to reprimand and censure those who Sin.     
We are to Express strong disapproval of Evil.     
We are to strongly encourage People to Receive Christ.     
We are to stay within the Authority of the Scriptures with these actions.     
We should be Patient with people because God forces no one.

Remember Nimrod and Babel?   

That's where we are today.   
Secularism believes in nothing but man.   We can reach the Heavens by our own effort.   

The Fool has said in his Heart there is no God.   Psm 14:1

We are being led by Fools.   

Anyone not willing to Confess Jesus Christ publicly is not Worthy of Him.   Mat 10:38

Think about how many in leadership fail this simple test of Faith.   

Do muslim representatives hide their Faith?   

Do Jews hide their Faith?   

Why do Chistians?   

Satan does not care about the muslim and Jew because they are Unbelievers.   

He pressures Christians to subdue their Faith because they Know the Truth.   

It is time we react to Unbelievers as they really are:

- Lost
- Fools
- Condemned
- the voice of Satan

There are only two kingdoms in the universe: the KingdomOfGod and the kingdom of Satan (AntiChristKingdom).   Satan's kingdom is doomed.   God's Kingdom is Eternal.   

Why not be Bold about this Truth?   After all, it is the Truth that makes us Free.