You wager that your claims will exceed your premiums.
The provider wagers that your claims will be less than your premiums.
There are two ways an insurer controls claims.
- raising premiums
- cancellation of the policy
Insurance works in catastrophic situations as these happen infrequently so that many premiums are
gathered while few claims are filed.
Insurance does not work well in non-catastrophic or chronic situations. The reason is obvious. The number of claims are so high that the premiums must be commensurately high with the result that fewer policies are purchased which leads to higher premiums which eventually kills the industry.
We are living in a time when voodoo Economics is being pushed by the left along with R I N Os. Health Insurance is a specific example of voodoo Economics.
Politicians tell every one they can be covered for every thing. This is a pipe dream. It is foolish to think it possible and irresponsible to push it as a possibility.