It is always a good idea to verify that your understanding of words is correct because
→ words make up phrases
→ phrases make up sentences and
→ sentences make statements which affect your perception of reality.
There was a scene in The Princess Bride where, after Vizzini keeps repeatedly using the word 'inconceivable', Inigo tells Vizzini: "I do not think it means what you think it means"
Preconceived - of an idea or opinion formed before having the evidence
Notion - a conception of or belief about something
So, a Preconceived Notion is an idea or opinion that has been accepted as truth without evidence.
Much of what we 'know' is merely a collection of Preconceived Notions which have been passed to us by others holding those Preconceived Notions.
Tradition is typically a set of conventions which have been accepted because those who came before accepted them.
Preconceived Notions may or may not be correct.
Jesus wants us to discount everything we think we know in favor of Him and His Words.
This is hard to do because much of what Jesus said is unbelievable!
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: |
I could go on but these three examples of the Truth are unbelievable by most believers In Christ Jesus.
Why? Preconceived Notions.
The challenge for every believer In Christ is to believe His Words and do them.
Jesus threw away every Preconceived Notion commonly held by Jews of His day. This is why He was so hated by the establishment - the Scribes Pharisees And Hypocrites.
Jesus operated above the constricted patterns of Judaism while keeping the spirit of the Law upon which those patterns were based.
But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord.  |
This was not a one-off statement made to respond to Satan. Rather it was a profound statement of eternal Truth which He manifested.
If the Lord said it, it is True.
Trying to make the Word conform to convention, tradition, theology or opinion is blasphemy. It elevates experience and the rational mind above the veracity and authority of the Holy Spirit.
But that is what so many in Christianity have done - to their own injury. They have been deceived by Satan to deny the Word of the Lord and to believe tradition, experience, sight and rational thinking.
The injury incurred is monumental. I am not talking about loss of salvation. I am talking about Abundant Life.
Most Christians have spiritualized this statement to the point where Satan picks their pocket any time he chooses.
The result is weakness, sickness and death.
Jesus did not do the miracles, healings and deliverances He did to just show off. He did them to minister to the ones in need and to demonstrate a new way of living - in the power and authority of Abundant Life.
Clearly Jesus did not plan to be the sole purveyor of Abundant Life.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. |
He suffered, bled, died and rose again that we may receive His Holy Spirit - the power that enabled Him to do what He did.
Interestingly, the very power that Jesus told us to wait for has been denigrated and denied by so many 'believers' in Jesus. Such do not welcome the Holy Spirit because they do not need the Holy Spirit.
This is akin to the Scribes Pharisees And Hypocrites who did not need Jesus. They rejected Him and died in their sins.
Rejecting the Holy Spirit power relegates a believer to living in fear, weakness, sickness and general neediness. This is the very opposite of Abundant Life.
The Holy Spirit is Eternal Life and He is Abundant Life.
The Holy Spirit is Christ In Us.
This Truth comes against the Preconceived Notion that many believers have that the New Birth is all there is.
Another Preconceived Notion that is pervasive in the Church is that there will be a Silent Rapture. It is not based on scripture but on three misconceptions from scripture:
→ Imminency
→ Blessed Hope
→ Righteous With The Wicked
The danger of faith in a Silent Rapture is that the virgin will not take oil to trim her lamp during the night of the Great Tribulation.
So, what are we to do since we have so many Preconceived Notions?
Keep listening, reading and studying the teachings of others. But verify their teaching with the Word Of The Lord.
No new revelation from the Lord will violate the Word Of The Lord.
In case this article has made you doubt your salvation, rest assured that is not its purpose. Rather, it is to anchor you in the Truth of the Word Of The Lord.
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. |
Never doubt your salvation which was conceived, implemented, offered and sustained by the Holy Spirit In Christ Jesus.
But do recognize that you have been infected with ideas and opinions that conflict with the Word.
Understand that you will never manifest the Mind Of Christ until you have cleansed yourself of unbelief.
Don't be like a cat and avoid water.
The Holy Spirit can only sculpt your soul to the extent that you immerse yourself in the Water Of The Word by which He can cleanse you of wrong Preconceived Notions replacing it with Right Thinking.