The Federal Government made a terrible mistake getting involved in Education. Without first hand access to each individual situation that is encountered at the various levels of Education the Fed created a Bureaucracy to `address` issues in Education.
The arrogance that policy rather than people make the real difference in life manifested. Here we are 50 years into a downward spiral in Education quality. It is time to right the ship.
Now, those who have a vested interest in the current Education system will complain as a matter of course. They will point to loss of services with emphasis on special needs atudents.
There is nothing in H.R.610 that denies an individual, school, community or church to provide as many additional services for special needs or any other group as they like.
"Special Needs" encompasses behavioural problems. The quality of education for the masses has deteriorated by inappropriately diverting resources for quality education to `deal` with behavioural problems.
I saw this first hand in 1977 when I was considering an education career. In my experience as a teacher`s aide I saw how behavioural problems were denying the majority of students quality education. I can only imagine how severe the problem is today 40 years later.
Here`s reality: Not everyone can be educated just like not everyone can be born again. It is an act of will that enables a person to be educated or born again. Behavioural problems are children who do not want to be educated.
This is a fundamental problem that is reflective of a Spiritual poverty. An atheistic or agnostic Education has no power to correct this in a person. They may not even see the need.
God created each of us for a purpose - a beautiful, joyful, successful, Abundant Life. Instilling this awareness and hope in each child is the only way they can maximize their abilities and reconcile themselves with their inabilities.
Our current Education system has created generations of Entitled users rather than independent, opportunity-grabbing, hopeful adults.
The Department of Education is not going to solve the problems in Education. However, making it recognize its limitations and directing resources to success-driven providers is a step in the right direction.