[ Created: 2023-09-28 08:02:06  Updated: 2023-09-28 08:54:33 Owner: rl ]
Title: When do we do something?    



From the Declaration Of Independence we get the answer to the question.    When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.    But there are some assumptions in this introduction to that wonderful document:
    faith in God
    a sense of fundamental rights
    a sense of responsibility to others
    courage to fight for right
    commitment to action

Abraham's descendants weren't like Abraham.   Abraham had faith in God and lived as as king.   His descendants departed from God and lived to serve other kings.   

Our Founding Fathers had the character and took the action described above.   We do not appear to have the same mettle as they and so we are now in bondage to a foreign government who has bound us many times more tightly than did Great Britain.   

What foreign government?   The Federal Government of the United States of America - DC.   

Many who lived in America at the time of Revolution 1 trusted the King of England, Parliament and human nature to address their grievances through The System.   These people were called Tories.   When Revolution 1 broke out some of these people fought with the British soldiers.   Some were spies for the British government.   

Those who determined that the British government would never effectively address their grievances were called Whigs.   These took action to run the British out of America so they could rule themselves.   Many of them died for their children and grand-children to have a future in the freedom of self-government.   

At the time, the Whigs were called insurrectionists, rebels, revolutionaries by the Tories and the British government.   Now they are called heroes.   

If there is a Revolution 2 the names of the players may change but the factions and allegiancies will be the same.   

Is the spirit of freedom still alive to the extent that it can revive?   

It is time for Revolution 2.   It is past time.   

But do we have the heart?   

And is it too late?