[ Created: 2017-02-27 10:26:35  Updated: 2023-10-06 07:28:26 Owner: rl ]
Title: Variety    



Variety is of God - He loves it and created the universe in that way to prove it.   

Diversity as it is used in the political world implies disagreement, conflict and impasse

Example: Hispanics are a different equal variety of humanity and this is good.   Not agreeing to speak English in America is bad

Example: Arabs are a different, equal variety of humanity and this is good.   But bringing a contrary religion (islam) into the U.S.   is bad.   

Different opinions on the nuances of life (economics, politics, religion, etc).   are healthy.   Conflicting agendas such as socialism vs capitalism, islam vs Christianity are bad.   

Being able to distinguish healthy variety from destructive diversity is wisdom.   The fact that we have leadership who does not recognize the difference (or care about the difference) is our problem.   They have put us in jeapardy to destructive diversity.   

"One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

America, if it is to survive, must return to Christ.   It is Christ who unites.   It is Christ who makes free.   It is Christ who tells us to love one another and therefore be just.   

A country`s religion determines their politics, their economics and their culture.   

It is absolutely insane to allow a person into a healthy country who is infected by a disease which, when spread, will destroy the receiving country.   

This is true in the physical realm, the political realm, the economic realm, the cultural realm, and most importantly, the spiritual realm.   

Diversity is Dis Unity.   It is the seed of destruction.   How many people have been taught to worship it?   
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
We are not all Water Baptized the same and some believers have never been Water Baptized.     However, it is in the putting on of Christ Jesus that we are baptized into Him.     

There is no difference in us who are In Christ.