Lying is not a problem if it suits your purpose    
Its time we apply litmus tests to determine who to listen to.   

If a person does not believe in absolute moral law, there is no reason for you to listen to anything they have to say.   

The concept that lying is wrong is inextricably bound to a moral conviction that truth is a virtue.   If a person does not believe that truth is virtuous, there is no reason for them to consider it as they work to accomplish their goals.   

Hillary Clinton once told a reporter that she never lies, had never lied, would never lie.   The only way she could say this so convincingly is that she does not believe that truthfulness is a moral virtue.   It was expedient for her to claim honesty even while using a lie to aver it.   This was not a problem for her.   

This is where we are in America.   By divorcing ourselves from the moral lawgiver, we are adrift in a sea of lies whose only purpose is to further the interests of the liar.   

So, before you entertain conversation or information from anyone, find out what their values are.   Better yet, ask them who/what defines their values.   

Fake News can come from the Left or the Right.   In either case it is Wrong.   

If a position can only be supported with a Lie it is not worth supporting regardless of how meaningful it may be personally.   

Integrity is to be revered above all personal traits.   It is even more important than Love because it supports Love when it is threatened.   

False attribution is Lying.   There is an epidemic of this on the Internet.   

Invoking another person`s support for an idea is Stealing and Lying.   It is Stealing the false endorser`s character and then Lying to the listener or viewer by implying agreement that may or may not exist.   

The Truth never needs a Lie to support it.   It can stand on its own.   

Speak the Truth so you keep your Integrity.   

If you identify a source of Fake News you should blacklist it and share the fact with others.   

I love John Wayne and Clint Eastwood but John is dead and not in a position to comment on current events while Clint is able to speak for himself and does not need others to put words in his mouth.