The objective should never be to Offend.
But, the Truth is offensive in that since it is true then the alternatives must be defacto false. So, anyone who is holding to false beliefs will be offended by the Truth. The hope is that they can let go of their traditions and misconceptions in order to reap the benefits of Truth.
I capitalize Truth because it is surrogate for Jesus.
If the speaker's heart is to reveal Truth for the edification of the hearers and not just to justify their own positions, it will come across in their delivery. That's the work of the Holy Spirit.
A specific example of Truth which offends a large number of Christians is the concept of Eternal Security. The alternative to not believing totally in the finished work of Jesus is to essentially offend the Father, offend the Son, offend the Holy Spirit, and produce a fearful, unbelieving unproductive Christian.
At any point I have opportunity to set a fellow Christian aright regarding this fundamental truth, I will sieze it - even if they are offended.
The 'real' Truth always sets a person free so their taking offence at it/Him is not to be considered.
Jesus said blessed are they who are not offended in me.
The reason I felt the need to respond to this post is that we are coming out of period of political correctness. In order not to offend we have kept quiet or at least talked among ourselves. The result of containing the Light is that darkness has settled in. While the world has gone hesd over heels into darkness, even in the church, Christians have compromised on moral and theological issues. We have an opportunity to make a difference in the world for Christ but our 'form of religion' needs to give way to the Power and Authority of Christ in us the Hope of Glory.
The 'form of religion' folks may be offended but the rewards of fulfilling the promises and potential of Christ are worth it.