[ Created: 2017-02-12 21:12:30  Updated: 2019-03-16 14:21:36 Owner: rl ]
Title: To convince another of a Lie    


Do You Believe because You want to Believe or because it is True ?   

Your answer to this question Will determine whether or Not You are Deluded.   

Pilate asked Jesus : "What is Truth?" He walked away before Receiving the answer from the Only person capable of revealing the Truth.   

Our Society is filled with Delusion on All Sides.   The Left Sees the Right as "deplorables", bigots, racists, misogynists.   The Right Sees the Left as Immoral Socialists , Globalists.   

The amazing thing is that both Sides are absolutely convinced they are Right.   

In Moral relativism, both Sides are Right because from that Perspective there is no absolute Truth , no ultimate Authority , Truth is defined by the individual.   

So, back to Pilate's question: "What is Truth?" His reaction was that of a Moral relativist.   "There is no Absolute Truth and I am Not interested in your version of it." is what his actions implied.   

It is important that we use Facts rather than Opinion when we conclude what is True and what is False.   

If does no one any Good to accept statements that are False Just because they agree with their World View.   As a matter of Fact , that behaviour is Only setting themselves up for 'their reality' to come crashing down.   

How do we avoid being Deluded ?   The first step is to accept Absolute Truth - Christ Jesus is "the" Truth.   

After we have laid aside the Deception of the Sin Nature and been Born Again we are given a New Nature and so prepared to "judge All things".   

Prove All things; hold Fast that which is Good.   
This is the Way a Christian has to operate in a world filled with Lies and Deception.    Failure to " Prove " what we Receive as Truth is ultimately destructive.   

It is the Truth that sets us Free.   Yes , Jesus is the Truth but operating in His Spirit requires us to " Prove All things and hold Fast to that which is Good ".   

This means we Need to verify everything that we Receive as Truth otherwise we may be manipulated into a trap.   

Furthermore, if we pass untruth along we are leading others into the same trap.   

This is totally where the Left is - in a trap.   They are trapped in a World View without God , without Common Sense and heading towards Suicide.   

But the Right is Not immune to being trapped.   All that has to happen is that we allow ourselves to accept Lies or half-truths and propogate them as Truth.   

Though the Heart of those on the Right ( assuming they are Christians ) is in a Good Place , the laziness that Manifests when we don't " Prove All things" allows us to be Deluded by manipulators and become Accessories to their ulterior motives.   

White Lies are still Lies.   The ends do Not Justify the means.   

In Order for us to be victorious we have to be on God's side.   We have to come into His camp.   He doesn't join our camp.   

Our Heavenly Father is Pure.   There is no Shadow of turning in Him.   He is altogether Holy.   He doesn't Change.   His Word is unmoveable; it is final.   He is Integrity.   

We have the option of valuing Integrity or dishonoring it.   

Playing Fast and Loose with the Truth is dishonoring God.   

Proving All things so that we Speak and Live the Truth Will Enable us to cast down the Strong Holds of Spiritual Wickedness that is sitting in High Places.   

Those High Places may be in Religion , Politics or Society.   

David asked the Lord to Create in Him a Pure Heart.   Those of us who are in Christ have Pure Hearts but we must be Transformed by the Renewing of our Minds so that it Manifests in what we do and say.   

Do You have the Mind of Christ or the Mind of man?   Until You let the Mind of Christ take Dominion over You , You Will operate as a man who very easily falls into the trap of Delusion.   

Victory in Jesus - the Truth !