The left is Delusional . They really believe that all people are Good . That it is circumstances that cause them to do Evil . They blame the person responsible for the circumstances rather than the actual perpitrator of Evil .
Christians know that all people are born with a Sin nature. That it is in each of us to do Evil . That we are individually Guilty and personally responsible for our own actions. That only through Christ can the Guilt be removed and a new nature be born.
These two world views are light years apart. That is the reason they are resisting the new administration. Trump is bursting their bubble of Delusion . Imagine if Hillary had been elected and told all Christians to go into atheistic counselling to rid themselves of their ' Religion '.
The divide in our country is not Political . It is Spiritual . That is why Trump needs every Christian to stand up and do what Christ has instructed us to do - tell the good news of Christ's Love , Sacrifice and Victory to every person.
You can't just take someone's Religion away from them. You must replace it with something better.
SecularHumanism must be replaced with a Relationship with Christ Jesus .
This cannot happen through Legislation . It must happen through personal witnessing - Christian to Unbeliever .