# | Item | Description |
1 | 1 - Chronic Pain Healing | 4 Step Plan to Healing Chronic Pain |
2 | 1 - Hearing God | How To Hear God’s Voice |
3 | 1 - Knowledge Based Faith | Faith for Healing is based on Knowledge |
4 | 1 - Staying Full Of God | Staying Full Of God |
5 | 1 - Truth And Victory | Certain Truths are necessary for Victory |
6 | 1 - You've Already Got It! | You've already got everything you need |
7 | 2 - Fully Persuaded Faith | How to move mountains |
8 | 2 - Man Born Blind | Problem or Opportunity ? |
9 | 2 - New You | New You |
10 | 2 - Receive A Miracle 1 | How to Receive a Miracle - Part 1 |
11 | 2 - Water Walking | How to Become a Water Walker |
12 | 2 - Where Am I From | Where Did I Come From |
13 | 2 - Your Spiritual Authority | Your Spiritual Authority in Christ Jesus |
14 | 3 - Blessing And Miracles | Blessing and Miracles |
15 | 3 - Receive A Miracle 2 | How to Receive a Miracle - Part 2 |
16 | 3 - The Reality Of Faith | The Reality Of Faith |
17 | 3 - Unanswered Prayer | What to do when Prayer is unanswered |
18 | 4 - Financial Stewardship | Financial Stewardship |
19 | 4 - Who You Are In The Spirit | Who You are in the Spirit |
20 | 4 - Word Became Flesh | Word Became Flesh |
21 | 5 - Divine Healing | Divine Healing |
22 | 5 - Ministry Of The Holy Spirit | Positive Ministry of the Holy Spirit |
23 | 5 - Revelation Knowledge | Revelation Knowledge |
24 | 5 - Secrets To Happiness | Paul's Secrets To Happiness |
25 | 5 - Walking By Faith | Walking by Faith |
26 | 6 - Eat Your Vegetables | Proverbs contains God's Health Food |
27 | 6 - Lessons From Joseph | School of hard knocks |
28 | 7 - Holy Spirit | The Baptism of the Holy Spirit |
29 | Abide | Live dwell wait |
30 | About On In | Believing about Jesus, on Jesus and in Jesus |
31 | Accidentramifications | Ramifications of the accident |
32 | Addiction | Compulsive, repeated harmful action to oneself |
33 | Altar Call | A traditional invitation for a person to come physically to an Altar to be Saved |
34 | America - June - 2020 | Status update |
35 | America - June - 2021 | Status update |
36 | America Decline | Why America is not great |
37 | America Eulogy | The Death of America - what happens next |
38 | An Eye For An Eye | The historical implementation of justice |
39 | Angst | An unfocused feeling of deep anxiety or dread about the world or human condition |
40 | Are You A Hebrew | Being set free from the flesh |
41 | Baptized In The Name Of Jesus Christ | What does it mean to be baptized in the name of Jesus |
42 | Blind | Unable to See |
43 | Blip | Little bit of Wisdom through RL |
44 | Bob Thornton | Robert H. Thornton |
45 | Body | The physical body |
46 | Body Of God | God has a body and He is Jesus |
47 | Brainwashed | Successfully subjected to Brainwash |
48 | Caleb Mary | Caleb Lucas and Mary Perez |
49 | Carnal Mind | A Mind that is blind to the Heavenly , the Spiritual |
50 | Cashless | Only accepting digital credits as Legal Tender |
51 | Channeling | Entering a meditative state in order to convey a message from a spiritual guide |
52 | Chaos | Complete disorder and Confusion |
53 | Character | The complex of mental and ethical traits marking and often individualizing a person |
54 | Chastise | To inflict punishment |
55 | Chastisement | Does God personally chastise His Children |
56 | Child Sacrifice | Giving a child to be consumed for the sake of the parent |
57 | Choose | To decide between multiple options |
58 | Chosen | Selected based on some criteria of being Worthy |
59 | Chosen People | A term used in reference to descendants of Abraham |
60 | Church | The Body of Christ or the Physical plant |
61 | Circumcision | The physical sign of being in agreement with the Abrahamic Covenant |
62 | Clarity | The quality of being easy to understand, see or hear |
63 | Cognitive Dissonance | 'What we have here is a failure to communicate' |
64 | Comfort | A state of Physical ease and Freedom from Pain or constraint. |
65 | Common Sense | Common sense is what philosophers search for |
66 | Community | A group of people associated by physical proximity |
67 | Condone Or Condemn | What is the proper response to Immorality |
68 | Confidence | The state of feeling certain about the truth of something |
69 | Contamination | Making a substance impure by adding a different substance |
70 | Coping | Dealing with and overcoming situations |
71 | Corporate Fascism | Business and Government Fascism |
72 | Corrective Law | Short term law to correct a specific evil |
73 | Culturalism | Feeling your Culture is superior to others |
74 | Cutthroat Christian | A Christian who acts as though he is in a war |
75 | David Joy | David and Joy Beasley 2022-06-12 |
76 | D C Dementia | Individual manifestation of Satanic influence in Washington DC |
77 | Deep State | The real power in Government |
78 | Defense | Warding off the attacks of the Enemy |
79 | D E M O 1_01 - Eternal Life | DEMO Level 1 Lesson 1 - Eternal Life |
80 | D E M O 1_09 - Identity In Christpart 1 | Identity In Christ part 1 |
81 | D E M O 1_10 - Identity In Christpart 2 | Identity In Christ part 2 |
82 | D E M O 1_12 - Word Integrity | Integrity Of God’S Word |
83 | Demon | A spirit being working for satan |
84 | Denominationalism | Every Christian leader wanted to be the Pope of their own group |
85 | Dependency | The state of relying on someone or something else for aid, support, etc. |
86 | Diabetes | Diabetes, is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin produced |
87 | Different Flavors Of Kool Aid | Deception comes from all directions in different ways |
88 | Dimension | A measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height |
89 | Diversity | Variety |
90 | Doubtless | Not having any Doubt |
91 | Duality | Son and Servant, Spirit and Soul, Perfect and Carnal |
92 | Earth | The place where man dwells |
93 | Earthly | Of the Earth - Carnal, Physical, Temporal |
94 | Eating Your Seed | The opportunity cost of eating your seed |
95 | Election 2020 Sadness | The sadness of the death of America |
96 | Emissary | Our role in the Kingdom in this age |
97 | Emotion | How you feel about what you think about |
98 | Entitlement | The belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment |
99 | Eunuch | A man who has been castrated, |
100 | Evangelism | Bringing the Gospel to the world |
101 | Ever Learning | Seeking knowledge for knowledge sake |
102 | Evil Heart | A Heart that does not have Faith in God |
103 | Existence | The fact of being |
104 | Exploration | The action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it |
105 | Express Image | The one and only physical manifestation by the Y Chromosome |
106 | Fair | Treated or shared equally |
107 | Faith | Substance of things hoped for; evidence of things not seen |
108 | Faith Authority | The Authority that Manifests from Faith |
109 | Faith Sight | Seeing by Faith |
110 | False Science | Science falsely so called |
111 | Fear | To be afraid of |
112 | Fearful And Unbelieving | Full of anxiety, vulnerable, doubtful |
113 | Fear Has Torment | Fear destroys Psychologically, Physically and Spiritually |
114 | Feel | How you are affected by things that touch you |
115 | Feminine Fighters | Women fighters cannot be found in scripture |
116 | Feminism | Exaltation of women over men |
117 | Fixing Religion | Jesus couldn't, you can't, don't try |
118 | Flat Line | No sign of heartbeat - dead |
119 | Flesh Sight | Seeing through natural eyes |
120 | Fossil Fuel | Crude oil and natural gas are presumed to have organic origins |
121 | Genetics | The study of how God programmed living organisms |
122 | Gift | Something that comes to you without personal investment |
123 | Give | To offer freely |
124 | Gladys Pearce Johnson | Gladys Pearce Johnson |
125 | God | The generic name for deity, self-existing one, creator, law-giver |
126 | God And Father | The Holy Spirit is the Creator and Father |
127 | God Idolatry | Worshipping a false god using the name, God |
128 | God Is Not Your Gofer | Does your Prayer consist of requests for God to do things? |
129 | Godly | Thinking and acting like God |
130 | Going To Heaven | Where did the concept of going to heaven originate? |
131 | Good Theology | Rightly dividing the Word and Understanding its terminology |
132 | Government Or God? | In whom do we trust? |
133 | Grace | Unmerited favor of God |
134 | Graft | Using Political Power for personal gain |
135 | Greatness | The very good quality of something |
136 | Grow | Become larger or greater over a period of time; increase |
137 | Hate | Animosity, ill-will |
138 | Healing | The state or act of being healed (see Heal) |
139 | Healing - Faithand Power | Your Spirit and the Holy Spirit in Unity |
140 | Healing Release | Releasing Healing |
141 | Heart Faith | Faith that issues from the Heart and not the head |
142 | Heaven | The Spirit Realm - where we really exist |
143 | Heaven And Earth | Where God Reigns and Where Man Reigns |
144 | Herd Immunity | When a large percentage of a population has become immune to an infection |
145 | His Thoughts | God's Thoughts About You |
146 | Holy Faith | Pure Faith in the the awesome Love of God |
147 | Holy One Of Israel | Jesus is the Holy One who descended from Jacob through Mary |
148 | Holy Spirit Baptism Evidence | Speaking in Tongues as the Spirit gives utterance |
149 | Holy Spirit Baptism Teaching | Why should a Believer be Baptised in the Holy Spirit |
150 | Holy Spirit Father | The Holy Spirit is the Father of all life |
151 | Holy Spirit Grace | The Holy Spirit is the source of Grace |
152 | Holy Spirit Is Father | Jesus was begotten of the Holy Spirit |
153 | Holy Spirit Resistance | Resisting the Holy Spirit |
154 | Homeless | No house, no apartment, no camper, no tent, no church, no friends, no family |
155 | Human | An Individual of Mankind |
156 | Human Condition | The state into which every human is born |
157 | Human Goodness | The tendency for people to do Good things |
158 | Humble Themselves And Pray | How is the land Healed? |
159 | I Am | The name by which the Father was revealed to Moses |
160 | Illegal Drug | A Drug for which a law has been made forbidding its use |
161 | Image | A likeness of some other entity |
162 | Imagination | Image + Nation → powerful, ruling, mental pictures |
163 | I Miss Knobs | Knobs gave you physical feedback to that which it allowed you to control |
164 | Immunization | To make safe from infection or contamination |
165 | Incarnation | A person who embodies in the Flesh a Deity , Spirit , or quality |
166 | Infirmity | Physical or mental weakness |
167 | Jesus | The body and soul of the Holy Spirit - His express image |
168 | Jew | Early on a decendent of the tribe of Judah but later a term for Hebrews |
169 | Joseph Mc Carthy | Joseph Raymond McCarthy 1908-1957 |
170 | Judy's_ Day Care_ Case | Judy's Day Care Case |
171 | Keep His Word | How do we keep the Word Of The Lord? |
172 | Kingdom Come | The manifestation of the Kingdom of God |
173 | Knowledge Of The Son | Understanding who Jesus is |
174 | Labour | Work , especially hard Physical Work |
175 | Lamb | The Lamb of God - Jesus |
176 | Law Giver | The One who defines the spiritual and physical laws of the universe |
177 | Law Of God | God is Creator and Law Giver |
178 | Law Of Jesus | The spiritual and physical laws that govern heaven and earth |
179 | Law Of The Lord | The spiritual and physical laws that govern heaven and earth |
180 | Leaven | A pervasive influence that modifies something or transforms it |
181 | Life | Jesus is the Life |
182 | Little By Little | Not all at once but gradually |
183 | Living In Heaven | Christ Jesus made it possible for us to live in heaven - today |
184 | Lord Of The Harvest | The Holy Spirit is the Lord of the Harvest |
185 | Love At First Sight | A superficial infatuation without the depth of knowledge |
186 | Maintenance | To clean and repair regularly |
187 | Mandate | An official order or requirement to do something |
188 | Manifest | To Make Physically , Mentally or Spiritually Real |
189 | Man Is Spirit | Man is a Spirit with a Soul and a Body |
190 | Marrage | Union between homosexuals |
191 | Marriage | Union of a male and female in holy matrimony |
192 | Measure Of The Stature | Comprehending physical and qualitative size |
193 | Medical Bondage | Bound by the Medical Care system |
194 | Megalomaniac | An elitist with great wealth, power and grand schemes |
195 | Messages For Ministers | Messages to politically activate ministers |
196 | Mind Of Christ | The mind of the Holy Spirit |
197 | Minister | To Edify another though Spiritual , Psychological and Physical Blessings |
198 | Miracle | Temporary supernatural suspension of physical laws |
199 | Mis Placed | Places to avoid |
200 | Moment | A particle of Time |
201 | Mutilation | Infliction of serious damage on something |
202 | Mystery Hidden | The Mystery of the Kingdom is still hidden to many |
203 | Naive | Easily Deceived |
204 | Nerve Damage | When communication is slow, choppy or down |
205 | New Species | Christians are no longer just human |
206 | Nietzsche | A sad modern Philosopher |
207 | No Man | Do you need someone else to Receive a Blessing |
208 | Obedience | Submission to another's Authority |
209 | Off The Chain | Unfettered - released from external control |
210 | On Purpose | Not accidentally but with intent |
211 | Pandemic | An infectious disease that spreads worldwide |
212 | Pastor | A minister who leads a group of believers |
213 | Paul And Water Baptism | Paul was a preacher of the Gospel - not a baptizer |
214 | Perception | Ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses |
215 | Persecute | To abuse verbally or physically because of non-conformity |
216 | Persecution | To suffer as a result of being different |
217 | Perversion | Behavior or thinking as a result of rejecting the Lord's authority |
218 | Pet | An Animal that is the object of human love |
219 | Physical | Of Space, Time and Matter |
220 | Physical Death | When the heart stops beating and the body dies |
221 | Physical D N A | The Law Of God manifesting in Biological Life |
222 | Physical Fight | Fighting in the flesh |
223 | Physical Law | The laws of nature |
224 | Physical Life | Existence in the Physical Realm - having a Physical Body |
225 | Physically | In a Physical way |
226 | Physical Realm | The created universe |
227 | Physical Truth | The Physical Laws by which the Universe holds together |
228 | Physical Warfare | Physical Fighting to defend a cause or other people |
229 | Pleasure | Is Pleasure a Good thing? |
230 | Poison | Anything that is unhealthy |
231 | Politician Pastor | A pastor whose primary focus is self |
232 | Poverty | Lack of the things necessary for healthy life |
233 | Power | Ability to do Work, to accomplish a purpose |
234 | Praise | the act of expressing approval or admiration |
235 | Prayer Proximity | Understanding where God is |
236 | Predator | An organism that obtains food by the killing and consuming of other organisms |
237 | Pride | A feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements |
238 | Privileged | A right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most: |
239 | Privileged Or Blessed | Ignorance of and separation from the Spiritual Realm |
240 | Prosperity | Success, profitability, affluence, wealth, opulence, luxury, ease, plenty, comfort, security, well-being |
241 | Prosperity Gospel | Defending the Good News of Abundant Life on Earth |
242 | Prove | Demonstrate the truth or existence of something by evidence or argument. |
243 | Provision | To make available for use; to supply |
244 | Quotations | Sayings related to Faith |
245 | Racism Fleshism | Racism is a byproduct of walking by Sight |
246 | Rebellion | Resistence to Authority , Non-Conformity |
247 | Receive | To accept what has been given, presented, or paid for |
248 | Receive Jesus | What does it mean to receive Jesus? |
249 | Religion | A system of beliefs |
250 | Religion And Politics | Separate or inseparable? |
251 | Repent | To alter your thinking, to change directions |
252 | Replacement Theology | The idea that the Church is spiritual Israel and jewishness is no longer relevant |
253 | Reproduction | The ability of a species to continue |
254 | Resist Anti Christ | Should we resist satan physically? |
255 | Responsibility | Duty with Accountability |
256 | Revelation | The revelation of Jesus Christ |
257 | Revelation Knowledge | Knowledge originating from the Holy Spirit |
258 | Revelation Of Jesus Christ | Who Jesus really is |
259 | Revival Or Return | Will there be revival or will the Lord return soon |
260 | Salt And Pepper | Two very common food seasonings |
261 | Santa | Is Santa Claus sacred? |
262 | Satan | The opposer/adversary (aka Devil ) (formerly Lucifer) |
263 | Satanic Conspiracy | The plan that Satan hatched to come against God's Will |
264 | Saved | Delivered from Bondage , Healed , made whole |
265 | Secret Rapture | Reprinted from |
266 | Secular Humanism | Religion of the Antichrist |
267 | Seed | A unit of reproduction, capable of developing into a mature entity |
268 | Seeing Jesus | To See Jesus as He really is |
269 | Serenity Now | Fleeting or continual Peace |
270 | Serve | To provide for the needs and desires of another |
271 | Settler | A person who accepts what is easily available |
272 | Seven Churches | The seven churches of Asia Minor |
273 | Sexual Depravity | Moving away from proper function of Sex to experimentation for gratification |
274 | Sexuality | Emphasizing and attracting others to Physical Intimacy |
275 | Shoulder Chip | Having a chip on your shoulder |
276 | Sickness | Unhealthy condition that is temporary |
277 | Sight | That which may be apprehended through Physical eyes |
278 | Sin Nature | The state of the Heart of man which drives him away from God |
279 | Sit Down And Shut Up | What Satan has convinced believers to do |
280 | Slavery | Under the control of an owner - not Free |
281 | Sleep | A condition where consciousness is practically suspended |
282 | Socialism | The god and Political arm of the Religion of Secular Humanism |
283 | Soul | Consciousness - the mind, emotions and will affecting the heart |
284 | Sovereign | Supreme ruler possessing ultimate Power |
285 | Spirit And Truth | How we worship our Lord Jesus Christ |
286 | Spirit Filled | Being filled with the Spirit of God |
287 | Spirit Man | Jesus is the first Spirit Man - human translated from physical to spiritual |
288 | Spirit Mother | The Holy Spirit as mother |
289 | Spirit Realm | Where God the Holy Spirit exists with the Holy Angels - Heaven |
290 | Spirit Salvation | The Salvation that occurs at the New Birth when you become a New Spirit being |
291 | Spiritual Blessing | A Blessing that comes from the Spirit Realm |
292 | Spiritual D N A | The Life essence from God |
293 | Spiritual Hearing | Hearing in your Spirit |
294 | Spiritual Law | Law that governs the Spirit Realm and the Physical Realm |
295 | Spiritual Truth | Truth from the Spirit Realm |
296 | Sports | An athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature |
297 | Strange Fire | Exercising Power and Authority without the Holy Spirit Inspiration |
298 | Subscription | Subscribing, partnering, friending, liking and regularly supporting |
299 | Suffering | Pain and Suffering of Christ |
300 | Sugar | Something that obscures the natural flavor with sweetness |
301 | Suicide | Killing oneself |
302 | Super Duper | A specially gifted person |
303 | Superior | Above average, Special, Higher in status |
304 | Supernatural | Above nature - Spiritual |
305 | Systematic Theology | Theology that is consistent and non-contradictory |
306 | Temple Of God | The place where our Lord dwells |
307 | Terrorism | The art of using Fear to manipulate and control others |
308 | The Accident | Motorcycle accident on July 24, 2015 |
309 | The Angel Of The Lord | It is very likely that the angel of the Lord is preincarnate Jesus |
310 | The Chosen | Series depicting the life of Christ Jesus |
311 | The Great Sieve | Why did the Lord create man with Free Will? |
312 | Theophany | A physical appearance of the preincarnate Jesus - Holy Spirit |
313 | The Trip | Traveling from one place to another |
314 | Thorn In The Flesh | What is a thorn in the flesh? |
315 | Three | Harmony, new life, completeness, growth, reproduction |
316 | Throne Of Majesty | The Holy Spirit is the Power and the Majesty of our Lord Jesus Christ |
317 | Time | The 4th dimension of man's Physical existence |
318 | Tithe | Ten percent of increase |
319 | Traction | The grip of a tire on a road |
320 | Training | The exercise of technique for subsequent application |
321 | Tree | A plant with roots, trunk, branches, leaves, fruit |
322 | Trinitarian | A person believes there are three Gods in one |
323 | Trinitarian Error | What is wrong with seeing our Creator as three persons? |
324 | Trinity | The concept that God exists in three persons |
325 | True Prosperity | What does Prosperity reall mean? |
326 | Trust The Science | The mantra of a Fascist Secular Humanist |
327 | Tucker Carlson | Leaving FOX because of Dominion law suit settlement |
328 | Two Salvations | Spirit Salvation and Soul Salvation |
329 | UMC | United Methodist Church |
330 | Unbelief | Incredulity or skepticism |
331 | Unbelieving Believer | Believing in Jesus but denying the Word |
332 | Urban Disease | Spritual disease that thrives in Urban areas |
333 | Vailof Darkness | To be lifted by the Return of Christ |
334 | Violence | Physical force cause damage or injury |
335 | Violent | Aggressively using Force to achieve a goal |
336 | Vision | Where there is no vision, the people perish |
337 | Vow Of Poverty | To renounce all personal property |
338 | Walk In The Spirit | To allow the Spirit being to manifest in your Physical Body - Spirit Walk - |
339 | Warrior | A person enlisted and equipped for Warfare |
340 | Water Baptism | Baptised in water as a symbol of dying to the old life and being Born Again |
341 | White Supremacy | Christian Culture not skin color |
342 | Who Is God | Who is this person whom we refer to as God? |
343 | Wholeness | Wholeness - Mind, Body, Spirit |
344 | Wilderness | An uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable region |
345 | Witch Doctor | A doctor who protects a person from Witchcraft |
346 | Witnesses | More than one Witness |
347 | Word Of Faith | Faith in Gods Word connects us with His Power |
348 | Word Of His Power | That force which upholds all things in the universe |
349 | Word Of The Lord | A better term for the Word Of God |
350 | Word Or Spirit | Is the Spirit or the Word more important? |
351 | Work | Activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result |
352 | World | The Earth but most especially its inhabitants |
353 | Y Chromosome | That DNA material which contains the spark of life |
354 | Yoga | Pagan form of self-discipline |