[ Created: 2017-02-10 22:05:39  Updated: 2021-05-03 21:48:17 Owner: rl ]
Title: Of Space, Time and Matter    



References (354) to 'Physical'
1 - Chronic Pain Healing 4 Step Plan to Healing Chronic Pain
1 - Hearing God How To Hear God’s Voice
1 - Knowledge Based Faith Faith for Healing is based on Knowledge
1 - Staying Full Of God Staying Full Of God
1 - Truth And Victory Certain Truths are necessary for Victory
1 - You've Already Got It!      You've already got everything you need
2 - Fully Persuaded Faith How to move mountains
2 - Man Born Blind Problem or Opportunity ?
2 - New You New You
10  2 - Receive A Miracle 1 How to Receive a Miracle - Part 1
11  2 - Water Walking How to Become a Water Walker
12  2 - Where Am I From Where Did I Come From
13  2 - Your Spiritual Authority Your Spiritual Authority in Christ Jesus
14  3 - Blessing And Miracles Blessing and Miracles
15  3 - Receive A Miracle 2 How to Receive a Miracle - Part 2
16  3 - The Reality Of Faith The Reality Of Faith
17  3 - Unanswered Prayer What to do when Prayer is unanswered
18  4 - Financial Stewardship Financial Stewardship
19  4 - Who You Are In The Spirit Who You are in the Spirit
20  4 - Word Became Flesh Word Became Flesh
21  5 - Divine Healing Divine Healing
22  5 - Ministry Of The Holy Spirit Positive Ministry of the Holy Spirit
23  5 - Revelation Knowledge Revelation Knowledge
24  5 - Secrets To Happiness Paul's Secrets To Happiness
25  5 - Walking By Faith Walking by Faith
26  6 - Eat Your Vegetables Proverbs contains God's Health Food
27  6 - Lessons From Joseph School of hard knocks
28  7 - Holy Spirit The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
29  Abide Live dwell wait
30  About On In Believing about Jesus, on Jesus and in Jesus
31  Accidentramifications Ramifications of the accident
32  Addiction Compulsive, repeated harmful action to oneself
33  Altar Call A traditional invitation for a person to come physically to an Altar to be Saved
34  America - June - 2020 Status update
35  America - June - 2021 Status update
36  America Decline Why America is not great
37  America Eulogy The Death of America - what happens next
38  An Eye For An Eye The historical implementation of justice
39  Angst An unfocused feeling of deep anxiety or dread about the world or human condition
40  Are You A Hebrew Being set free from the flesh
41  Baptized In The Name Of Jesus Christ What does it mean to be baptized in the name of Jesus
42  Blind Unable to See
43  Blip Little bit of Wisdom through RL
44  Bob Thornton Robert H.     Thornton
45  Body The physical body
46  Body Of God God has a body and He is Jesus
47  Brainwashed Successfully subjected to Brainwash
48  Caleb Mary Caleb Lucas and Mary Perez
49  Carnal Mind A Mind that is blind to the Heavenly , the Spiritual
50  Cashless Only accepting digital credits as Legal Tender
51  Channeling Entering a meditative state in order to convey a message from a spiritual guide
52  Chaos Complete disorder and Confusion
53  Character The complex of mental and ethical traits marking and often individualizing a person
54  Chastise To inflict punishment
55  Chastisement Does God personally chastise His Children
56  Child Sacrifice Giving a child to be consumed for the sake of the parent
57  Choose To decide between multiple options
58  Chosen Selected based on some criteria of being Worthy
59  Chosen People A term used in reference to descendants of Abraham
60  Church The Body of Christ or the Physical plant
61  Circumcision The physical sign of being in agreement with the Abrahamic Covenant
62  Clarity The quality of being easy to understand, see or hear
63  Cognitive Dissonance 'What we have here is a failure to communicate'
64  Comfort A state of Physical ease and Freedom from Pain or constraint.
65  Common Sense Common sense is what philosophers search for
66  Community A group of people associated by physical proximity
67  Condone Or Condemn What is the proper response to Immorality
68  Confidence The state of feeling certain about the truth of something
69  Contamination Making a substance impure by adding a different substance
70  Coping Dealing with and overcoming situations
71  Corporate Fascism Business and Government Fascism
72  Corrective Law Short term law to correct a specific evil
73  Culturalism Feeling your Culture is superior to others
74  Cutthroat Christian A Christian who acts as though he is in a war
75  David Joy David and Joy Beasley 2022-06-12
76  D C Dementia Individual manifestation of Satanic influence in Washington DC
77  Deep State The real power in Government
78  Defense Warding off the attacks of the Enemy
79  D E M O 1_01 - Eternal Life DEMO Level 1 Lesson 1 - Eternal Life
80  D E M O 1_09 - Identity In Christpart 1 Identity In Christ part 1
81  D E M O 1_10 - Identity In Christpart 2 Identity In Christ part 2
82  D E M O 1_12 - Word Integrity Integrity Of God’S Word
83  Demon A spirit being working for satan
84  Denominationalism Every Christian leader wanted to be the Pope of their own group
85  Dependency The state of relying on someone or something else for aid, support, etc.     
86  Diabetes Diabetes, is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin produced
87  Different Flavors Of Kool Aid Deception comes from all directions in different ways
88  Dimension A measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height
89  Diversity Variety
90  Doubtless Not having any Doubt
91  Duality Son and Servant, Spirit and Soul, Perfect and Carnal
92  Earth The place where man dwells
93  Earthly Of the Earth - Carnal, Physical, Temporal
94  Eating Your Seed The opportunity cost of eating your seed
95  Election 2020 Sadness The sadness of the death of America
96  Emissary Our role in the Kingdom in this age
97  Emotion How you feel about what you think about
98  Entitlement The belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
99  Eunuch A man who has been castrated,
100  Evangelism Bringing the Gospel to the world
101  Ever Learning Seeking knowledge for knowledge sake
102  Evil Heart A Heart that does not have Faith in God
103  Existence The fact of being
104  Exploration The action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it
105  Express Image The one and only physical manifestation by the Y Chromosome
106  Fair Treated or shared equally
107  Faith Substance of things hoped for; evidence of things not seen
108  Faith Authority The Authority that Manifests from Faith
109  Faith Sight Seeing by Faith
110  False Science Science falsely so called
111  Fear To be afraid of
112  Fearful And Unbelieving Full of anxiety, vulnerable, doubtful
113  Fear Has Torment Fear destroys Psychologically, Physically and Spiritually
114  Feel How you are affected by things that touch you
115  Feminine Fighters Women fighters cannot be found in scripture
116  Feminism Exaltation of women over men
117  Fixing Religion Jesus couldn't, you can't, don't try
118  Flat Line No sign of heartbeat - dead
119  Flesh Sight Seeing through natural eyes
120  Fossil Fuel Crude oil and natural gas are presumed to have organic origins
121  Genetics The study of how God programmed living organisms
122  Gift Something that comes to you without personal investment
123  Give To offer freely
124  Gladys Pearce Johnson Gladys Pearce Johnson
125  God The generic name for deity, self-existing one, creator, law-giver
126  God And Father The Holy Spirit is the Creator and Father
127  God Idolatry Worshipping a false god using the name, God
128  God Is Not Your Gofer Does your Prayer consist of requests for God to do things?
129  Godly Thinking and acting like God
130  Going To Heaven Where did the concept of going to heaven originate?
131  Good Theology Rightly dividing the Word and Understanding its terminology
132  Government Or God?      In whom do we trust?
133  Grace Unmerited favor of God
134  Graft Using Political Power for personal gain
135  Greatness The very good quality of something
136  Grow Become larger or greater over a period of time; increase
137  Hate Animosity, ill-will
138  Healing The state or act of being healed (see Heal)
139  Healing - Faithand Power Your Spirit and the Holy Spirit in Unity
140  Healing Release Releasing Healing
141  Heart Faith Faith that issues from the Heart and not the head
142  Heaven The Spirit Realm - where we really exist
143  Heaven And Earth Where God Reigns and Where Man Reigns
144  Herd Immunity When a large percentage of a population has become immune to an infection
145  His Thoughts God's Thoughts About You
146  Holy Faith Pure Faith in the the awesome Love of God
147  Holy One Of Israel Jesus is the Holy One who descended from Jacob through Mary
148  Holy Spirit Baptism Evidence Speaking in Tongues as the Spirit gives utterance
149  Holy Spirit Baptism Teaching Why should a Believer be Baptised in the Holy Spirit
150  Holy Spirit Father The Holy Spirit is the Father of all life
151  Holy Spirit Grace The Holy Spirit is the source of Grace
152  Holy Spirit Is Father Jesus was begotten of the Holy Spirit
153  Holy Spirit Resistance Resisting the Holy Spirit
154  Homeless No house, no apartment, no camper, no tent, no church, no friends, no family
155  Human An Individual of Mankind
156  Human Condition The state into which every human is born
157  Human Goodness The tendency for people to do Good things
158  Humble Themselves And Pray How is the land Healed?
159  I Am The name by which the Father was revealed to Moses
160  Illegal Drug A Drug for which a law has been made forbidding its use
161  Image A likeness of some other entity
162  Imagination Image + Nation powerful, ruling, mental pictures
163  I Miss Knobs Knobs gave you physical feedback to that which it allowed you to control
164  Immunization To make safe from infection or contamination
165  Incarnation A person who embodies in the Flesh a Deity , Spirit , or quality
166  Infirmity Physical or mental weakness
167  Jesus The body and soul of the Holy Spirit - His express image
168  Jew Early on a decendent of the tribe of Judah but later a term for Hebrews
169  Joseph Mc Carthy Joseph Raymond McCarthy 1908-1957
170  Judy's_ Day Care_ Case Judy's Day Care Case
171  Keep His Word How do we keep the Word Of The Lord?
172  Kingdom Come The manifestation of the Kingdom of God
173  Knowledge Of The Son Understanding who Jesus is
174  Labour Work , especially hard Physical Work
175  Lamb The Lamb of God - Jesus
176  Law Giver The One who defines the spiritual and physical laws of the universe
177  Law Of God God is Creator and Law Giver
178  Law Of Jesus The spiritual and physical laws that govern heaven and earth
179  Law Of The Lord The spiritual and physical laws that govern heaven and earth
180  Leaven A pervasive influence that modifies something or transforms it
181  Life Jesus is the Life
182  Little By Little Not all at once but gradually
183  Living In Heaven Christ Jesus made it possible for us to live in heaven - today
184  Lord Of The Harvest The Holy Spirit is the Lord of the Harvest
185  Love At First Sight A superficial infatuation without the depth of knowledge
186  Maintenance To clean and repair regularly
187  Mandate An official order or requirement to do something
188  Manifest To Make Physically , Mentally or Spiritually Real
189  Man Is Spirit Man is a Spirit with a Soul and a Body
190  Marrage Union between homosexuals
191  Marriage Union of a male and female in holy matrimony
192  Measure Of The Stature Comprehending physical and qualitative size
193  Medical Bondage Bound by the Medical Care system
194  Megalomaniac An elitist with great wealth, power and grand schemes
195  Messages For Ministers Messages to politically activate ministers
196  Mind Of Christ The mind of the Holy Spirit
197  Minister To Edify another though Spiritual , Psychological and Physical Blessings
198  Miracle Temporary supernatural suspension of physical laws
199  Mis Placed Places to avoid
200  Moment A particle of Time
201  Mutilation Infliction of serious damage on something
202  Mystery Hidden The Mystery of the Kingdom is still hidden to many
203  Naive Easily Deceived
204  Nerve Damage When communication is slow, choppy or down
205  New Species Christians are no longer just human
206  Nietzsche A sad modern Philosopher
207  No Man Do you need someone else to Receive a Blessing
208  Obedience Submission to another's Authority
209  Off The Chain Unfettered - released from external control
210  On Purpose Not accidentally but with intent
211  Pandemic An infectious disease that spreads worldwide
212  Pastor A minister who leads a group of believers
213  Paul And Water Baptism Paul was a preacher of the Gospel - not a baptizer
214  Perception Ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses
215  Persecute To abuse verbally or physically because of non-conformity
216  Persecution To suffer as a result of being different
217  Perversion Behavior or thinking as a result of rejecting the Lord's authority
218  Pet An Animal that is the object of human love
219  Physical Of Space, Time and Matter
220  Physical Death When the heart stops beating and the body dies
221  Physical D N A The Law Of God manifesting in Biological Life
222  Physical Fight Fighting in the flesh
223  Physical Law The laws of nature
224  Physical Life Existence in the Physical Realm - having a Physical Body
225  Physically In a Physical way
226  Physical Realm The created universe
227  Physical Truth The Physical Laws by which the Universe holds together
228  Physical Warfare Physical Fighting to defend a cause or other people
229  Pleasure Is Pleasure a Good thing?
230  Poison Anything that is unhealthy
231  Politician Pastor A pastor whose primary focus is self
232  Poverty Lack of the things necessary for healthy life
233  Power Ability to do Work, to accomplish a purpose
234  Praise the act of expressing approval or admiration
235  Prayer Proximity Understanding where God is
236  Predator An organism that obtains food by the killing and consuming of other organisms
237  Pride A feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements
238  Privileged A right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most:
239  Privileged Or Blessed Ignorance of and separation from the Spiritual Realm
240  Prosperity Success, profitability, affluence, wealth, opulence, luxury, ease, plenty, comfort, security, well-being
241  Prosperity Gospel Defending the Good News of Abundant Life on Earth
242  Prove Demonstrate the truth or existence of something by evidence or argument.
243  Provision To make available for use; to supply
244  Quotations Sayings related to Faith
245  Racism Fleshism Racism is a byproduct of walking by Sight
246  Rebellion Resistence to Authority , Non-Conformity
247  Receive To accept what has been given, presented, or paid for
248  Receive Jesus What does it mean to receive Jesus?
249  Religion A system of beliefs
250  Religion And Politics Separate or inseparable?
251  Repent To alter your thinking, to change directions
252  Replacement Theology The idea that the Church is spiritual Israel and jewishness is no longer relevant
253  Reproduction The ability of a species to continue
254  Resist Anti Christ Should we resist satan physically?
255  Responsibility Duty with Accountability
256  Revelation The revelation of Jesus Christ
257  Revelation Knowledge Knowledge originating from the Holy Spirit
258  Revelation Of Jesus Christ Who Jesus really is
259  Revival Or Return Will there be revival or will the Lord return soon
260  Salt And Pepper Two very common food seasonings
261  Santa Is Santa Claus sacred?
262  Satan The opposer/adversary (aka Devil ) (formerly Lucifer)
263  Satanic Conspiracy The plan that Satan hatched to come against God's Will
264  Saved Delivered from Bondage , Healed , made whole
265  Secret Rapture Reprinted from
266  Secular Humanism Religion of the Antichrist
267  Seed A unit of reproduction, capable of developing into a mature entity
268  Seeing Jesus To See Jesus as He really is
269  Serenity Now Fleeting or continual Peace
270  Serve To provide for the needs and desires of another
271  Settler A person who accepts what is easily available
272  Seven Churches The seven churches of Asia Minor
273  Sexual Depravity Moving away from proper function of Sex to experimentation for gratification
274  Sexuality Emphasizing and attracting others to Physical Intimacy
275  Shoulder Chip Having a chip on your shoulder
276  Sickness Unhealthy condition that is temporary
277  Sight That which may be apprehended through Physical eyes
278  Sin Nature The state of the Heart of man which drives him away from God
279  Sit Down And Shut Up What Satan has convinced believers to do
280  Slavery Under the control of an owner - not Free
281  Sleep A condition where consciousness is practically suspended
282  Socialism The god and Political arm of the Religion of Secular Humanism
283  Soul Consciousness - the mind, emotions and will affecting the heart
284  Sovereign Supreme ruler possessing ultimate Power
285  Spirit And Truth How we worship our Lord Jesus Christ
286  Spirit Filled Being filled with the Spirit of God
287  Spirit Man Jesus is the first Spirit Man - human translated from physical to spiritual
288  Spirit Mother The Holy Spirit as mother
289  Spirit Realm Where God the Holy Spirit exists with the Holy Angels - Heaven
290  Spirit Salvation The Salvation that occurs at the New Birth when you become a New Spirit being
291  Spiritual Blessing A Blessing that comes from the Spirit Realm
292  Spiritual D N A The Life essence from God
293  Spiritual Hearing Hearing in your Spirit
294  Spiritual Law Law that governs the Spirit Realm and the Physical Realm
295  Spiritual Truth Truth from the Spirit Realm
296  Sports An athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature
297  Strange Fire Exercising Power and Authority without the Holy Spirit Inspiration
298  Subscription Subscribing, partnering, friending, liking and regularly supporting
299  Suffering Pain and Suffering of Christ
300  Sugar Something that obscures the natural flavor with sweetness
301  Suicide Killing oneself
302  Super Duper A specially gifted person
303  Superior Above average, Special, Higher in status
304  Supernatural Above nature - Spiritual
305  Systematic Theology Theology that is consistent and non-contradictory
306  Temple Of God The place where our Lord dwells
307  Terrorism The art of using Fear to manipulate and control others
308  The Accident Motorcycle accident on July 24, 2015
309  The Angel Of The Lord It is very likely that the angel of the Lord is preincarnate Jesus
310  The Chosen Series depicting the life of Christ Jesus
311  The Great Sieve Why did the Lord create man with Free Will?
312  Theophany A physical appearance of the preincarnate Jesus - Holy Spirit
313  The Trip Traveling from one place to another
314  Thorn In The Flesh What is a thorn in the flesh?
315  Three Harmony, new life, completeness, growth, reproduction
316  Throne Of Majesty The Holy Spirit is the Power and the Majesty of our Lord Jesus Christ
317  Time The 4th dimension of man's Physical existence
318  Tithe Ten percent of increase
319  Traction The grip of a tire on a road
320  Training The exercise of technique for subsequent application
321  Tree A plant with roots, trunk, branches, leaves, fruit
322  Trinitarian A person believes there are three Gods in one
323  Trinitarian Error What is wrong with seeing our Creator as three persons?
324  Trinity The concept that God exists in three persons
325  True Prosperity What does Prosperity reall mean?
326  Trust The Science The mantra of a Fascist Secular Humanist
327  Tucker Carlson Leaving FOX because of Dominion law suit settlement
328  Two Salvations Spirit Salvation and Soul Salvation
329  UMC United Methodist Church
330  Unbelief Incredulity or skepticism
331  Unbelieving Believer Believing in Jesus but denying the Word
332  Urban Disease Spritual disease that thrives in Urban areas
333  Vailof Darkness To be lifted by the Return of Christ
334  Violence Physical force cause damage or injury
335  Violent Aggressively using Force to achieve a goal
336  Vision Where there is no vision, the people perish
337  Vow Of Poverty To renounce all personal property
338  Walk In The Spirit To allow the Spirit being to manifest in your Physical Body - Spirit Walk -
339  Warrior A person enlisted and equipped for Warfare
340  Water Baptism Baptised in water as a symbol of dying to the old life and being Born Again
341  White Supremacy Christian Culture not skin color
342  Who Is God Who is this person whom we refer to as God?
343  Wholeness Wholeness - Mind, Body, Spirit
344  Wilderness An uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable region
345  Witch Doctor A doctor who protects a person from Witchcraft
346  Witnesses More than one Witness
347  Word Of Faith Faith in Gods Word connects us with His Power
348  Word Of His Power That force which upholds all things in the universe
349  Word Of The Lord A better term for the Word Of God
350  Word Or Spirit Is the Spirit or the Word more important?
351  Work Activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result
352  World The Earth but most especially its inhabitants
353  Y Chromosome That DNA material which contains the spark of life
354  Yoga Pagan form of self-discipline