Do you prefer Blessings or Miracles ?
God's best for you is that you operate in His Blessings and never need a Miracle .
To operate in Blessings requires us to operate in Faith and Relationship with Christ Jesus . When we do this our needs are met as a matter of course. His Blessings just flow in our lives.
When we fail to walk in Faith and Relationship with Jesus we experience the effects of breaking Physical and Spiritual laws. We eventually reach a point where we need a Miracle .
The Life that comes from the Blessings of God has an upward trajectory.
The life we experience outside of Faith and Relationship with Christ has a downward trajectory which will ultimately require a Miracle to set right.
Miracles are temporary. God may suspend His law for a specific purpose. However, He will quickly reinstate His law.
Blessings are Eternal . Since they flow within the context of God's law there will be no end to them.
Receive A Miracle Study: Part 1
Part 2